The History of Drawing and Art

Vintage Books

Books on all Drawing and Drafting related topics, such as:
Sketching or drawing all sorts of things such as humans,
animals, art, scenery, and other objects. Also
includes early drafting books and vintage how to manuals
for expert draftsmen. This collection covers both
artistic and technical drawing styles, for both
commercial and artistic use, classic instruction, as
well as history and art.
drawing, sketching, drafting and art history reference collection on
one data DVD ever put together!
Neatly organized books, by topics as shown, on DVD.
(All sample scans are shown as low
resolution examples)

All books are in PDF
format, for easy searching and printing
This is a collection of
books and publications that cover the history of drawing in all its
forms, whether it be artistic or technical. The subject matter is
very diverse. Whether you are a technical drafter or an artist who
is into pencil sketching, the vintage subject matter here will be of
interest to you. The titles included are as follows:
A Complete and Comprehensive Treatise on the Art of Crayon
Portraiture, in Black and White,
1884, by J.B. Crocker, 96 pages |
A First Year in Drawing,
1894, by Henry T. Bailey, 104 pages |
A Guide to Figure Drawing,
1853, by G. E. Hicks, 78
pages |
A Guide to Landscape Drawing in Pencil and Chalk,
1848, by George
Harley, 90
pages |
A Manual of Drafting Instruments and Operations,
1872, by S. Edward
Warren, 138
pages |
A Manual of Elementary Geometrical Drawing, Involving Three
by S. Edward Warren, 150
pages |
A Manual of Engineering Drawing for Students and Draftsmen,
1911, by Thomas E. French, 310
pages |
A Manual of Machine Drawing and Design,
1918, by David
Allan Low and Alfred William Bevis, 417
pages |
A Manual of Mechanical Drawing,
1914, by John Handsley Dales, 217
pages |
A Measuring Scale for Free-hand Drawing,
1922, by Linus
Ward Kline, 79
pages |
A Text Book of Geometrical Drawing,
1849, by William Minifie, 248
pages |
A Text Book of Geometrical Drawing,
1871, by William
Minifie, 292
pages |
A Text Book of Mechanical Drawing,
1889, by Gardner
C. Anthony, 96
pages |
A Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine
Design, 1900, by
John S. Reid, 456
pages |
A Theory of Pure Design; Harmony, Balance, Rhythm,
1907, by Denman W.
Ross, 228
pages |
An Elementary Course in Free-hand Geometrical Drawing,
1873, by Edward S.
Warden, 74
pages |
Appleton's Cyclopædia of Drawing, 1857,
by W.E. Worthen,
pages |
Architectural Drawing and Draughtsmen, 1912,
by Reginald Blomfield, 211
pages |
Architectural Drawing for Mechanics,
1897, by I.P Hicks.
pages |
Architectural Drawing,
1922, by Wooster Bard Field, 180
pages |
Art Recreations, Being a Complete Guide to Pencil Drawing,
Oil Painting, Moss Work, Paper,
1863, by Madame L.B. Urbino, 333
pages |
Art Recreations, Being a Complete Guide
to Pencil Drawing, Oil Painting, Moss Work, Paper,
1871, by Madame L.B. Urbino, 353
pages |
Art Recreations, Being a Complete Guide to Pencil Drawing,
Oil Painting, Moss Work, Paper,
1873, by Madame L.B. Urbino, 351
pages |
Art Recreations, A Guide to Decorative Art,
c1884, by Marion
Kemble, 471
pages |
Augsburgs Drawing Book Volume 1,
1901, by D.R.
Augsburg, 195
pages |
Augsburgs Drawing Book Volume 2,
1901, by D.R.
Augsburg, 167
pages |
Black Board Drawing,
1896, by M. Swannell, 95
pages |
Blackboard Drawing, A Monograph,
1903, by Frederick
Whitney, 39
pages |
Blackboard Sketching,
1908, by Frederick Whitney, 75
pages |
Blueprint Reading, A Practical Manual of Instruction in
Blueprint Reading,
1919, by Howard P. Fairfield, 302
pages |
Brush Drawing, A Handbook for Teachers and Students,
1901, by J.W.
Nicol, 180
pages |
Building Plans and How to Draw Them,
1909, by I.P Hicks,
pages |
Building Plans and How to Draw Them; A Simple Series of
Practical Lessons on Architectural Drawing, Showing Every Step
by I.P. Hicks, 87
pages |
Constructive Anatomy,
1920, by George Bridgman, 217
pages |
Constructive Drawing, A Textbook for Home Instruction, High
Schools, Manual Training Schools, Technical Schools and
1908, by Herman Hanstein, 84
pages |
Constructive Drawing, A Textbook for Home Instruction, High
Schools, Manual Training Schools, Technical Schools and
1904, by Herman Hanstein, 84
pages |
Crayon Portraiture, Complete Instructions for Making Crayon
Portraits on Crayon Paper and on Platinum, Silver, and Bromide
1892, by J.A. Barhydt, 154
pages |
Drafting Room Methods, Standards and Forms,
A Reference Book
for Engineering Offices and Draftsmen,
1918, by Charles
D. Collin, 162
pages |
Drawing & Engraving, a Brief Exposition of Technical
Principles & Practices,
1892, by Philip Hamerton, 283
pages |
Drawing and Design, A Class Text-book for Beginners,
1893, by Edward R.
Taylor, 134
pages |
Drawing and Manual Training in Punjab Schools,
1918, by J.Y.
Buchanan, 59
pages |
Drawing for Beginners,
1920, by Dorothy Furniss, 275
pages |
Drawing in Charcoal and Crayon for the Use of Students and
Schools, 1885, by
Frank Fowler, 107
pages |
Drawing in the Public Schools, A Manual for Teachers,
1893, by Anson K.
Cross, 125
pages |
Drawing Simplified, A Text-book of Form Study and Drawing,
1892, by D.R.
Augsburg, 286
pages |
Drawings in Pen & Pencil,
1922, by George Sheringham, 210
pages |
Easy Studies for Beginners in Drawing, of Figures, Animals,
Shipping, and Landscape,
1838, by Charles Tilt, 77
pages |
Elementary Drawing Simplified, A Text-book of Form Study and
Drawing Designed for the Lower Grades,
1891, by D.R.
Augsburg, 186
pages |
Elements of Drawing and Mensuration Applied to the Mechanic
Arts. a Book for the Instruction and Use of Practical Men,
1846, by Charles
Davies, 251
pages |
Elements of Drawing Exemplified in a Variety of Figures and
Sketches of Parts of the Human Form,
1814, by H.
Williams, 64
pages |
Elements of Drawing,
1912, by George F. Blessing. 220
pages |
Elements of Mechanical Drawing,
1906, by Alfred A.
Titsworth, 150
pages |
Elements of Pen-and-ink Rendering, Rendering with Pen and
Brush, Elements of Water-color Rendering, Rendering in Water
Color, Drawing from Nature, the American Vignola,
1921, by
International Library of Technology, 594
pages |
Elements of Plane and Solid Free-hand Geometrical Drawing,
1878, by S. Edward
Warren, 184
pages |
Engineer Draughtsmen's Work, Hints for Beginners,
1918, by A
Practical Draughtsman, 160
pages |
Essentials of Drafting,
1918, by Carl L. Svensen, 240
pages |
Fashion Drawing and Design, a Practical Manual for Art
Students and Others,
1926, by Luie Chadwick, 284
pages |
Figure Drawing for Children, Papers of Special Value to All
Interested in the Development of Art Among the Children,
1893, by Caroline
Hunt Rimmer, 94
pages |
First Book of Drawing Being Exercises for Children and Young
Persons on the Slate and Black Board,
1840, by William
and Robert Chambers, 208
pages |
Free-hand Drawing and Designing,
1919, by Max
Kushman, 68
pages |
Free-hand Drawing, A Manual for Teachers and Students,
1895, by Anson
Cross, 170
pages |
Free-hand Drawing, Light and Shade and Free-hand Perspective,
1892, by Anson
Cross, 247
pages |
Geometrical Drawing and Design,
1913, by J.
Humphrey Spanton, 284
pages |
Geometrical Drawing, Projection Drawing, Freehand and
Ornamental Drawing, Wash Work and Brush Drawing, Elementary
Perspective Drawing, Architectural Drawing,
1921, by
International Library of Technology, 591
pages |
Guide for Drawing the Acanthus, and Every Description of
Ornamental Foliage,
1886, by I. Page, 385
pages |
Handbook of Drawing,
1880, by William Walker, 311
pages |
Handbook of Industrial Drawing for Teachers in Common
Schools, 1894, by
Ida Tew, 122
pages |
Hints on Drawing,
1900, by Author Unknown, 259
pages |
Hints on Sketching from Nature,
1874, by N.E. Green, 112
pages |
How Children Learn to Draw,
1916, by Walter Sargent and Elizabeth Miller, 284
pages |
How to Draw a Map,
1879, by Alfonzo Gardiner, 21
pages |
How to Draw a Straight Line; A Lecture on Linkages,
1877, by A.B.
Kempe, 67
pages |
Industrial Drawing, Comprising the Description and Uses of
Drawing Instruments,
by D.H. Mahan, 231
pages |
Isometric Drawing, a Treatise on Mechanical Illustrating
Dealing with Typical Constructions and Outlining; a Course in
the Art, 1911, by
Alpha Pierce Jamison, 88
pages |
Life of Michael Angelo, Volume 1,
1896, by Herman Grimm, 666
pages |
Life of Michael Angelo, Volume 2,
1896, by Herman
Grimm, 664
pages |
Light and Shade with Chapters on Charcoal, Pencil, and Brush
Drawing, a Manual for Teachers and Students,
1901, by Anson
Cross, 196
pages |
Line & Form,
1914, by Walter Crane, 310
pages |
Line, An Art Study,
1922, by Edmund Sullivan, 216
pages |
Linear Drawing and Lettering for Beginners,
by J.C.L. Fish, 102
pages |
Machine Drawing and Design for Beginners, an Introductory
Work for the Use of Technical Students,
1908, by Henry
Spooner, 292
pages |
Machine Drawing,
1917, by Ralph Hills, 112
pages |
Manual Instruction, Drawing,
1896, by S. Barter, 104
pages |
Mechanical Drawing,
3rd Edition, 1890, by Linus Faunce, 164
pages |
Nature Drawing and Design,
1903, by Frank Steely, 68
pages |
Nature Drawing from Various Points of View,
1910, by Henry
Turner Bailey, 180
pages |
Outline of Drawing Lessons for Grammar Grades,
1898, by Anson
Cross, 176
pages |
Pen Drawing an Illustrated Treatise,
1903, by Charles
143 pages |
Pen Drawing an Illustrated Treatise,
1921, by Charles
Maginnis, 144
pages |
Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen,
1920, by Ioseph
Pennell, 497
pages |
Pen Pictures and How to Draw Them, a Practical Handbook on
the Various Methods of Illustrating in Black and White,
1895, by Eric
Meade, 124
pages |
Pencil Sketching from Nature,
1906, by James Parton Haney, 44
pages |
Pencil Sketching,
1913, by George Koch, 70
pages |
Practical Hints for Draughtsmen,
1888, by Charles
William MacCord, 120
pages |
Projection Drawing,
1894, by John Daniel Walters, 68
pages |
Reed’s Drawing Lessons with Twenty Pages of Lithographic
Engravings and Numerous Wood Cuts,
1869, by P. Fishe
Reed, 91
pages |
Self Instructor, the Child’s First Drawing Book,
1878, by A.H. Andrews, 35
pages |
Sketching and Rendering in Pencil,
1922, by Arthur
Guptill, 204
pages |
Structural Drawing,
1907, by C.F. Edminster,
pages |
Student's Manual of Fashion Drawing; Thirty Lessons with
Conventional Charts,
1919, by Edith Young, 128
pages |
Studies of the Human Figure,
1918, by G.M Ellwood, 195
pages |
Teachers' Manual for Freehand Drawing in Intermediate
1878, by
Walter Smith, 313
pages |
Teachers' Manual for Freehand Drawing in Primary Schools,
1878, by Walter
Smith, 198
pages |
Teachers' Manual for the Prang Course in Drawing for Graded
Schools, 1897, by
John Clark, 259
pages |
The American Drawing-book, A Manual for the Amateur, and
Basis of Study for the Professional Artist, Volume 1,
1847, by John
Chapman, 64
pages |
The American Drawing-book, A Manual for the Amateur, and
Basis of Study for the Professional Artist, Volume 2,
1847, by John
Chapman, 63
pages |
The Art of Drawing and Engraving on Wood,
1881, by G.W. Marx,
pages |
The Art of Figure Drawing,
1852, by Charles Weigall, 92
pages |
The Art of the Great Masters,
1913, by Frederic Lees, 326
pages |
The Camera; Or, Art of Drawing in Water Colors,
1823, by J.
Hassell, 50
pages |
The Draughtsman's Handbook of Plan and Map Drawing, Including
Instructions for the Preparation of Engineering, Architectural,
and Mechanical Drawings,
1874, by George Andre, 246
pages |
The Drawing Guide, a Manual of Instruction in Industrial
1873, by
Marcius Wilson, 235
pages |
The Elements of Drawing & the Elements of Perspective,
1912, by John
Ruskin, 345
pages |
The Elements of Drawing, in Three Letters to Beginners,
1895, by John
Ruskin, 420
pages |
The Graphic Arts of Great Britain, Drawing, Line Engraving,
Etching, Mezzotint, Aquatint, Lithography, Wood-engraving,
1917, by Malcom Salaman, 184
pages |
The Illustrated Architectural, Engineering, & Mechanical
Drawing Book,
1856, by Robert Scott Burn, 151
pages |
The Miniature Collector; a Guide for the Amateur Collector of
Portrait Miniatures,
1921, by George Williamson, 394
pages |
The New Augsburg's Drawing,
1912, by D.R. Augsburg, 108
pages |
The Practical Draughtsman's Book of Industrial Design,
1853, by William
Johnson. 413
pages |
The Practice & Science of Drawing,
1900, by Harold
Speed, 207
pages |
The Psychology of Drawing,
1916, by Fred Carleton Ayer, 206
pages |
The Science and Art of Model and Object Drawing,
1883, by Lucas Baker, 111
pages |
The Slade, a Collection of Drawings and Some Pictures,
1907, by John
Fothergill, Editor, 225
pages |
The Teaching of Drawing and Use of Blackboard Illustrations,
1872, by Walter
Smith, 15
pages |
The Teaching of Drawing,
1893, by I.H Morris, 282
pages |
The Theory of Engineering Drawing,
1912, by Alphonse
Adler, 365
pages |
What to Draw and How to Draw It,
1913, by E.G. Lutz,
pages |
