Assaying Gold
And Silver
A Familiar Explanation of the Art
of Assaying Gold & Silver,
by J. A. Watherston, 1847,
76 pages
A Manual of
Assaying - The Fire Assay of Gold,
by Alfred Stanley Miller, 1905, 181 pages
A Manual of Fire Assaying, by Charles Fulton, 1907, 202 pages
A Manual of Fire Assaying,
by Charles Fulton, 1911,
244 pages
A Manual of Practical Assaying,
by John Mitchell, 1868, 802 pages
A Manual of Practical Assaying,
by H. Van F. Furman, 1908,
534 pages
A Textbook of Assaying,
by C. & J. J. Beringer, 1921, 520
A Textbook of Fire Assaying, by
E. E. Bugbee, 1922, 274 pages
A Treatise on the Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold &
Mercury, by T. Bodemann & B. Kerl, 1872,
225 pages
Assaying in Three Parts,
Aaron, Mining & Scientific Press, 1906
& 1907 Part 1 Gold and Silver, 156 pages
Assaying in Three Parts,
Aaron, Mining & Scientific Press, 1906
& 1907 Part 2 Gold and Silver Bullion, Part 3 Lead Copper,
171 pages
Blowpiping, Mineralogy, Assaying, Geology, Prospecting, Placer &
Hydraulic Mining, ILT, 1903,
652 pages
Field Testing for Gold & Silver, Practical Manual for
Prospectors & Miners,
by WM Hamilton Meritt, 1911, 182 pages
Fire Assaying – A Practical Treatise,
by E. W. Buskett, 1907, 52 pages
Gold Assaying – A Practical Handbook,
by H. J. Phillips, 1904, 162 pages
Instructions for Collecting, Testing, Melting & Assaying Gold,
by E. N. Kent, Van Norden & Amerman, New York, 1848,
44 pages
Laboratory Instructions for Fire Assays of Gold, Silver & Lead,
by W. Morley, 1913,
56 pages
Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper,
by W. L. Brown,
1905, 618 pages
Modern Assaying - A Concise Treatise,
by J. R. Smith, 1910, 194 pages
Notes on Assaying & Metallurgical Laboratory Experiment,
by R.
W. Lodge 1911, 346 pages
Notes on Assaying, by P. de Peyster Ricketts & E. H. Miller,
1902, 352 pages
Practical Blowpipe Assaying,
by G. Attwood, 1881, 264 pages
Practical Instructions for the Determination by Furnace Assay of
Gold & Silver in Rocks & Ores,
by E. J. Chapman, 1881, 75 pages
Practical Instructions in Quantitative Assaying with the
Blowpipe, by E. L. Fletcher, 1907,
148 pages
Practical Metallurgy & Assaying - A Textbook,
by A. H. Hiorns,
Macmillan, 1906, 520 pages
Practical Mineralogy, Assaying & Mining,
by F. Overman, 1863, 228 pages
Practical Mining & Assaying,
by F. M. Johnson, 1897, 116 pages
The Assayer’s Manual,
by B. Kerl, 1889, 335 pages
The Assayer's Guide or Practical Directions to Assayers, Miners,
and Smelters, by OM Lieber, 1907,
340 pages
The Blowpipe in Chemistry, Mineralogy & Geology,
by W. A. Ross,
1884, 271 pages
The Fire Assay of Gold, Silver & Lead in Ores & Metallurgical
Products, by L. S. Austin, 1907,
100 pages
The Practical Assayer,
by O. North, 1874, 320 pages
The Sampling & Assay of the Precious Metals,
by E. A. Smith,
1913, 480 pages
The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemistry & Mineralogy,
by J. J. Berzelius, 1845, 269 pages
A Compendium of Gold Metallurgy,
by E.M. Wade & M.L. Wade, 1901,
186 pages
A Manual of Metallurgy, More Particularly Of The Precious
Metals, by G Makins, 1862,
480 pages
A Microscopic Study of the Silver Ores and Their Associated
Minerals, by FN Guild, 1917,
80 pages
A Practical Treatise on Testing & Working Silver Ores,
by C. H.
Aaron, 1876, 130 pages
A Textbook on Metallurgy of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead & Zinc,
ITC, 1902, 626 pages
Australian Mining and Metallurgy,
by Donald Clark, 1907, 626 pages
Cobalt, Nickel, And The Elements Of The Platinum Group,
by JN
Friend, 1922, 406 pages
Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores,
by Henry Forbes, 1921, 472 pages
Distribution of Energy in the Spectra of Platinum, Palladium,
and Tantalum, by G. McCauley, 1911,
26 pages
Hydrometallurgy of Silver,
by O. Hoffmann, 1907, 368 pages
Metallurgical Analysis & Assaying, A Three Years’ Course,
by W.
A. Macleod & C. Walker, 1903, 406 pages
Metallurgy, The Art of Extracting Metals From Their Ores,
by John Percy, 1861, 649 pages
Radiation from and Melting Points of Palladium and Platinum,
by CW Waidner, 1907, 54
Statistics and Technology of the Precious Metals,
by Samuel
Emmons, 1885, 563 pages
Tables Showing the Value of Silver and Gold Per Ounce Troy, At
Different Degrees, 1876,
46 pages
The Analysis of Minerals & Ores of the Rarer Elements,
by W. R. Schoeller & A. R. Powel, 1919,
262 pages
The Chemistry of Cyanide Solutions Resulting From the Treatment
of Ores, by JE Clennell, 1910,
216 pages
The Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction, A Textbook,
by J.
Park, 1906, 297 pages
The Explorers’, Miners’ & Metallurgists’ Companion,
by J.
Phillips, 1873, 697 pages
The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead - A Practical Treatise,
by M. Eissler, 1891, 504
The Metallurgy of Gold,
by T.K. Rose, 1896, 526 pages
The Metallurgy of Gold,
by T.K. Rose, 1898, 616 pages
The Metallurgy of Silver - A Practical Treatise,
by M. Eissler,
1891, 450 pages
The Metallurgy of Silver, Gold, and Mercury in the U.S.,
by T. Egleston, Volume 1, 1887,
624 pages
The Metallurgy of Silver, Gold, and Mercury in the U.S.,
by T. Egleston, Volume 2, 1890,
984 pages
The Metallurgy of the Common Metals - Gold, Silver, Iron,
Copper, Lead & Zinc,
by L. A. Austin, 1921, 650 pages
The Platinum Metals,
by A.D. Lumb, 1920, 82 pages
The Private Book of Useful Alloys & Memoranda for Goldsmiths,
Jewellers, by James Collins, 1872,
120 pages
The Silversmith's Handbook Containing Full Instructions for Alloying
& Working Silver,
by G.E. Gee, 1921,
260 pages
Mining and Prospecting
A History of the Precious Metals, From The Earliest Periods To
The Present Time, by A Del Mar, 1901, 536 pages
A History of the Precious Metals, From The Earliest Periods To
The Present Time, by JL Comstock, 1849, 235 pages
A Preliminary Report on a Part of the Gold Deposits of Georgia,
by W. S. Yeates, 1896,
604 pages
A Treatise on Concentration of All Kinds of Ores,
by G Kustel, 1868, 278 pages
Alaska and the Klondike Gold Felds Containing a Full Account of
the Discovery of Gold,
by AC Harris, 1897, 604 pages
An Historical Inquiry into the Production and Consumption of the
Precious Metals, Vol1,
by W Jacob, 1831, 406 pages
An Historical Inquiry into the Production and Consumption of the
Precious Metals, Vol2,
by W Jacob, 1831, 436 pages
Bibliography of the Metals of the Platinum Group Platinum,
Palladium, Iridium, Rh,
by JL Howe, 1897, 330 pages
Big Smoky Silver Mining Company, Nevada,
1866, 48 pages
Buried Millions Where Do Gold and Silver Go?,
by JVC Smith, 1878, 20 pages
California Gold Book - First Nugget - Its Discovery &
Discoverers, by W. W. Allen, 1893,
482 pages
Canada As A Producer Of The Precious Metals,
by ED Ingal, 1899, 34 pages
Diamond Drilling for Gold and Other Minerals,
by George Denny, 1900, 188 pages
Digging Gold Among The Rockies,
by Thomas Ingham, 1880, 562 pages
Dredges and Gold Dredging, NY Engineering Company,
1910, 50 pages
Dredging for Gold in California,
by D. Weatherbe, 1907, 238 pages
Drilling for Placer Gold,
by Walter Gardner, 1920s, 204 pages
Economic Mining, Practical Handbook for the Miner, The
Metallurgist & the Merchant,
by Charles Lock, 1895, 688 pages
Famous Gold Nuggets of the World,
by Thomas Jefferson Hurley, 1900, 72 pages
Geological Setting of the Gold Silver Vein Systems of Unga
Island, Southwestern Alaska,
by J. R. Riehke 1999, 6 pages
Geological Sketches of the Precious Metal Deposits of the
Western United States,
by SF Emmons, 1885, 124 pages
Geology of the Comstock Lode & the Vashoe District,
by G. F.
Becker, 1882, 476 pages
Getting Gold - A Practical Treatise for Prospectors, Miners &
Students, by J. C. F. Johnson, 1898,
256 pages
Gold - Its Geological Occurrence & Geographical Distribution,
by J.
M. McClaren, 1908, 800 pages
Gold - Its Occurrence & Extraction,
by A. G. Lock, 1882, 1294 pages
Gold & Silver Ores – What is their Value,
by H. Merrit, 1900, 107 pages
Gold and Silver Money,
by Paul Tidman, 1882, 138 pages
Gold and Silver Smiths Work,
by John Pollen, 1879, 176 pages
Gold and Silver, by Walter Crane, 1908,
789 pages
Gold Districts of California,
by W. B. Clark, 2005, 212 pages
Gold Dredging in California,
by L. Aubury, California State
Mining Bureau, 1910, 402 pages
Gold Dust - How to Find it & How to Mine it,
1808, 205 pages
Gold Mines & Mining in California,
George Spaulding & Co., 1885, 377
Gold Placers of California,
by C. H. Haley, 1923, 196 pages
Gold Prospecting Basics in the US,
2009, 10 pages
Gold or, Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold & Silver
Wares Across The World,
1877, 186 pages
Handbook of Mining Details,
Mining Engineering, 1912, 400 pages
Hidden Mines & How to Find Them,
by W. T. Newman, Rogers
Publishing Co., Toronto, 1896, 162 pages
Illustrated History of the U.S. Mint With a Complete Description
of American Coinage,
1888, 242 pages
Klondike Gold Fields,
by Charles Frederick Stansbury, 1897, 214
Leaching of Gold & Silver Ores - A Practical Treatise,
by C. H.
Aaron, 1881, 218 pages
Losses in Gold Amalgamation W/Notes in the Concentration of
Gold & Silver Ores,
by Walter McDermott, 1890, 121 pages
Mines & Mineral Resources of Amador, Calaveras, Toulumme
Counties, by B. W. Tucker, 1915,
640 pages
Nevada & California Processes of Silver & Gold Extraction, by G. Kustel, 1863,
206 pages
Notes on Gold Extraction by Means of Cyanide Potassium,
Co., 1894, 358 pages
Notes on the Gold of Eastern Canada, from Geological Surveys of
Canada, 1864, 38
Notes on the Treatment of Gold Ores,
by F. O'Driscoll, 1889, 44 pages
On Two New Electrochemical Processes for the Extraction of
Silver and Gold from Their Ores,
by M.Vaygouny, 1905, 74 pages
Opals and Agates,
by N.Bartley, 1892, 350 pages
Placer Gold Recovery Methods,
by M. Silva, California Div. of
Mines & Geology, Sacramento, 1986, 40 pages
Placer Mining for Gold in California,
by C. V. Averill, 1946, 376 pages
Platinum and Allied Metals in California,
California State
Mining Bureau, 1919, 156 pages
Pocket Manual of Mining,
by J.H. Chewett, 1897, 158 pages
Pomeroy’s Mining Manual for Prospectors, Miners & Schools,
by H. R.
Pomeroy, 1881, 126 pages
Popular Fallacies Regarding Precious-Metal Ore Deposits,
Albert Williams, 1884, 36 pages
Practical Gold-Mining,
by W. Welton, 1902, 224 pages
Preliminary Report on the Cape Nome Gold Region - Alaska,
by F.
C. Schrader & A. H. Brooks, 1900, 108 pages
Principal Gold-Producing Districts of the US,
by A. H. Koschmann
& M. H Bergendahl, 1968, 290 pages
Principles of Mining Valuation, Organization and Administration
Copper, Gold, by Herbert Hoover, 1909,
224 pages
Prospecting for Gold & Silver in North America,
by A. Lakes,
1899, 297 pages
Prospecting For Gold and Silver,
by A. Lakes, 1895, 224 pages
Prospecting for Minerals, A Practical Handbook,
by S. H. Cox,
1906, 288 pages
Prospecting in Nova Scotia,
by W. Prest, 1900, 20 pages
Prospecting, Locating & Valuing Mines,
by R. H. Stretch, 1899, 424 pages
Reconnaissance of the Gold Fields of Southern Alaska,
by G. F.
Becker, 1898, 176 pages
Recovering Precious Metals From Waste Liquid Residues,
by George
Gee, 1920, 394 pages
Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals, And On The
Demonetization of Gold,
by L Faucher, 1853, 130 pages
Remarks on the Production of the Precious Metals, And On The
Depreciation of Gold,
by M Chevalier, 1853, 122 pages
Report Upon the Precious Metals,
by W. Blake, 1869, 384 pages
Roasting of Gold & Silver Ores & The Extraction Of Their
Respective Metals,
by G. Kustel, 1880, 180 pages
Silver and Gold, Account of the Mining and Metallurgical
Industry of the US,
by R. Raymond, 1873, 578 pages
Silver Mining Regions of Colorado,
by J. P. Whitney, 1865, 108 pages
Silver Ores, by HB Cronshaw, 1921,
174 pages
The ABC of Mining, Handbook for Prospectors,
by Charles Bramble,
1898, 192 pages
The Chicago Record’s Book for Gold Seekers – Alaska Gold
Fields, 1897, 424
The Glamour of Prospecting – Wanderings of a South African
Prospector, by F. C. Cornell, T. Fisher Unwin, 1920,
410 pages
The Gold Fields & Mineral Districts of Victoria,
by R. B. Smith,
1869, 689 pages
The Gold Hill Mining District of Utah,
by T. B. Nolan, 1935, 196 pages
The Gold Hunters Adventures in Australia,
by William Thomas, 1876, 582 pages
The Gold Measures of Nova Scotia & Deep Mining,
by E. R.
Faribault, 1900, 88 pages
The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa,
by T. Baines, 1877, 284 pages
The Gold-Quartz Veins of Nevada City & Grass Valley Districts,
California, by W. Lindgren, 1896,
333 pages
The Goldsmith's Handbook Containing Full Instructions for the
Alloying & Working of Gold,
by G.E. Gee, 1886, 346 pages
The Handy Book of Precious Metals, by Handy & Harman, New York,
1914, 54 pages
The Hunt Douglass Process for Extracting Copper From its Ores,
1876, 52 pages
The Hydraulic Gold Miner's Manual,
by TSG Kirkpatrick, 1897, 86 pages
The Hydrometallurgy of Copper, And Its Separation From The
Precious Metals, 1881,
22 pages
The Iditarod-Ruby Region-Alaska,
by H. M. Eaking, 1914, 48 pages
The Mineral Laws of the Orange River Colony, Including the
Mining of Precious Metals,
1904, 324 pages
The Miner's Right, A Tale of the Australian Goldfields,
by R. Boldrewood, 1890, Volume 1,
324 pages
The Miner's Right, A Tale of the Australian Goldfields,
by R. Boldrewood, 1890, Volume 2,
328 pages
The Miner's Right, A Tale of the Australian Goldfields,
by R. Boldrewood, 1890, Volume 3,
364 pages
The Mining & Metallurgy of Gold & Silver,
by J. A. Phillips, Spon,
London, 1867, 576 pages
The Mining Districts of the Idaho Basin & the Boise Ridge,
Idaho, by W. Lindgren, 1898,
170 pages
The Natural History, Ancient and Modern, of Precious Stones and
Gems, by CW King, 1867,
393 pages
The New Golden Age and Influence of the Precious Metals Upon The
World, Vol 1, by R. Patterson, 1882,
510 pages
The New Golden Age and Influence of the Precious Metals Upon The
World, Vol 2, by R. Patterson, 1882,
556 pages
The Official Guide to the Klondyke Country and the Gold Fields
of Alaska, 1897,
295 pages
The Precious Metals Comprising gold, Silver and Platinum,
by TK Roser, 1909, 324 pages
The Production of the Precious Metals,
1869, 388 pages
The Rapid Decline in the Production of the Precious Metals in
the United States, by Louis Garnett, 1869,
76 pages
The Stamp Milling of Gold Ores,
by Thomas Rickard, 1909, 286 pages
The Trail of the Gold-Seekers, A Record of Travel in Prose and
Verse, by Hamlin
Garland, 1906, 284 pages
The Valuation of Mineral Property, Rules & Tables,
by T.A.
O’Donahue, 1910, 184 pages
The Willow Creek District - Alaska,
by S. R. Capps, 1915, 428 pages
Underground Treasures - How & Where to Find Them,
by J. Orton,
1881, 178 pages
Victoria & the Australian Gold Mines,
by W. Westgarth, 1857, 516 pages