The Complete Library of
Ornamental Wood Turning
Classic Instructional Books by Old Time Professionals!
12 hours of
instructional videos in .mp4 format!
Great example
project videos showing step by step instructions!

The best
collection of wood turning publications ever offered! Also
included are
hours of
instructional videos in .mp4 format! This DVD-ROM will
play in your PC only, it will not play in a regular DVD
player hooked up to your TV.
Neatly organized books, and videos, by topics as shown, on DVD.
Low Resolution

All books are in PDF
format, for easy searching and printing
Woodturning is a form of
woodworking that is used to create wooden objects on a lathe.
Woodturning differs from most other forms of woodworking in that the
wood is moving while a stationary tool is used to cut and shape it. Many
intricate shapes and designs can be made by turning wood.
This collection on one DVD-ROM contains classic
woodturning instructional books as well as 12 hours of woodturning
instructional videos. Many of these books were published over a
100 years ago, but the old time basic techniques are very important to
understand. The books and videos cover these classic techniques
while showing some sample fun projects to do on your wood lathe.
The titles, along with their dates of publication and page count, included are as follows:
The Geometry of Wood
Turning |
A Brief Account of
Ibbetson's Geometric Chuck,
by J. H. Ibbetson, Illustrat by Holtzapffel, 1833, 64 pages |
Simple Decorative
Lathe Work,
James Lukin, 1905, 101 pages |
Specimens in
Eccentric Circular Turning,
by J.
H. Ibbetson, 1900, 220 pages |
The Handbook of
Turning - Concentric, Elliptic & Eccentric & Patterns,
Anonymous, 1842, 215 pages |
The Turner's
Companion - Concentric, Elliptic & Eccentric Turning & Patterns,
Anonymous, 1868, 196 pages |
Learn about Pattern
Making |
A High School
Course in Wood Pattern Making,
by J. H. Wilson,
1916, 131 pages |
Pattern Making
by F. H. Colvin &
F. A. Stanley, 1908, 141 pages |
Pattern Making,
Joseph A. Shelly, 1920, 356 pages |
Pattern Making,
James Ritchey, 1921, 255 pages |
Patterns for
by H. W.
Elphinstone, 1872, 368 pages |
The Pattern Maker's
by Joshua Rose,
1878, 331 pages |
Pattern-making; a Text Book for the Use of High School, Trade
School, Technical School and College Students,
by Horace Purfield,
C1911, 252 pages |
Pattern-making; the Fundamental Principles and Elementary
Practice of the Art,
by Horace T
Purfield, 1906, 230 pages |
Wood Turning Classic
Instruction |
Catalogue of the Woods for the Mechanical & Ornamental Arts,
Charles Holtzapffel, 1852, 140 pages |
Ornamental Turning;
a Work of Practical Instruction in the Above Art,
by JH Evans,
1903, Volume 1, 196 pages |
Ornamental Turning;
a Work of Practical Instruction in the Above Art,
by JH Evans,
1903, Volume 2, 194 pages |
Ornamental Turning;
a Work of Practical Instruction in the Above Art,
by JH Evans,
1903, Volume 3, 193 pages |
The Lathe & Its
Uses, with Appendix on Eccentric Turning,
by J. Lukin, 1898,
297 pages |
The Practice of
Hand Turning in Wood, Ivory, Shell,
by F. Campin,
1868, 383 pages |
The Turner's
Manual, Being a Complete Translation of the Valuable Work ,
L.E. Bergeron, 1877, 297 pages |
Turning &
Mechanical Manipulation, Volume 1,
by Charles
Holtzapffel, 1852-1881, 503 pages |
Turning &
Mechanical Manipulation,
Volume 2,
Charles Holtzapffel, 1852-1881, 603 pages |
Turning &
Mechanical Manipulation,
Volume 3,
by Charles
Holtzapffel, 1852-1881, 491 pages |
Turning &
Mechanical Manipulation,
Volume 4,
Charles Holtzapffel, 1852-1881, 631 pages |
Turning Lathes,
J. Lukin, 1890, 188 pages |
Classic Courses in
Wood Turning |
A Course in Wood Turning, by A. S. Milton
& O. K. Wholers, 1919, 343 pages |
A Laboratory Course in Wood Turning, with Exercises,
by M. J. Golden, 1897, 80 pages |
Art & Education in Wood Turning,
by W. W. Klene, 1921, 121 pages |
Artistic Wood Turning Works Catalog, by E.
Rutishauser, 1917, 45 pages |
Elementary Turning for Use in Manual Training Classes,
by Frank H. Selden, 1907, 209 pages |
Problems in Wood Turning, by Fred D.
Crawshaw, 1909, 93 pages |
The Wood Turner's Handybook, a Practical Manual for Workers at
the Lathe, by Paul N. Hasluck, 1901, 153
pages |
Training in Wood-work, Carpentry, Wood Turning & Pattern Work,
J. M. Tate, 1902, 124 pages |
Turning & Boring Tapers, by F. H. Colvin,
1902, 29 pages |
Wood Turning, by G. A Ross, 1909, 89 pages |
Wood Turning, by George H. Resides & H.
Diemer, 1911, 128 pages |
Wood Turning, by W. Fairham, 1921, 165
pages |
Wood Working-Wood Turning, Patternmaking, Green-Sand Molding,
Core Making, by ICS 1903, 782 pages |
(all are in .mp4 format
to view on your PC, iPad or Android tablet, or phone. (This is
a DVD-ROM that is only for your PC, it will not play in a
regular TV DVD player) |
hours of Instructional videos, covering important topics as:
The Proper Way To Sharpen Tools
Turning Bowls
Finishing Options
Turning Techniques
Basics of Bowl Turning
Small Hobby Projects suchs as ornaments and pendants, desk
organizers, gear shift, goblet,
toys, dishes, mugs, cups, and jiggers and other decorations
More Video Snapshots: