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The Early Age of Computers, PC History Films DVD

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Before Gigabytes and Terabytes and plasma screens, there was bits and bytes and mainframes. See how it all started with this collection about the dawn of the computer age.



The Early Age of Computers

An original production published by The Classic Archives!

About 50 years ago, the true visionaries of the time said that "some day, a computer will actually fit into one room".  Little did they know that one day we'd all be walking around with cell phones that have more computer power than the most powerful computers used to put a man on the moon.  We take them for granted, not realizing that not long ago, no one knew what a computer was, much less why they would need one.  Today, they are every bit a part of our lives as our tv's, our cars, and our dogs.

This DVD pays tribute to the birth of computers with 3 ground breaking films that introduced America to the computer, and what they thought one day life would be like.  Take a seat back and learn, and marvel at the primitive machines around in the 60's.  Keep in mind the computer on your desk is thousands of times more powerful than anything shown in this DVD, which is amazing when you think about it.

This DVD runs about an hour and 10 minutes and has a fully interactive menu.  A list of films is as follows:

The Information Machine (1958)

Applies graphic sensitivity to medium in cartoon form, and traces the history of storing and analyzing information from the days of the cavemen to today's age of electronic brains.  Wonderfully trippy little cartoon on the function of computers.

Sound, Color, 29:21

Early Age of Computers movie download 1 The Information Machine Early Age of Computers movie download 2 The Information Machine Early Age of Computers movie download 3 The Information Machine

Logic By Machine (1965)

Made by the National Educational Television.  An education discussion of modern computer theory, and how the computer fits into the American Way of Life.

2 Part, Sound, B&W, 28:52

Early Age of Computers movie download 4 Logic By Machine Early Age of Computers movie download 5 Logic By Machine Early Age of Computers movie download 6 Logic By Machine

On Guard- The Story of SAGE (ca. 1956)

One of the first super computers built for the defense of the country during The Cold War, SAGE stood for Semi-Automatic Ground Equipment.  It was intended as a warning system to alert in case of incoming aircraft.  Originally conceptualized by IBM, this sucker was large enough to fill an entire room.  A dinosaur in today's age, it did the job it was intended to do, and kept us safe.  The experience gained with SAGE led to the research and development of micro processors which eventually led to the birth of the home computer.

Sound, Color, 12:15

Early Age of Computers movie download 7 On Guard- The Story of SAGE Early Age of Computers movie download 8 On Guard- The Story of SAGE Early Age of Computers movie download 9 On Guard- The Story of SAGE

DVD Menu Sampler:

Early Age of Computers movie download  

  • Model: DVD-TCA-J61

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