The Review was a journal of import and interest to
Catholic education published ten times a year between January
1911 and November 1969. In 1907 Thomas E. Shields of The
Catholic University of America had started the "Catholic
Educational News Service," in which, until 1910, he had
published a series of articles on teaching religion. Response
led to him establishing the Catholic Education Press to publish
Catholic elementary school textbooks. He saw no successful
Catholic periodical to meet the challenge of nonreligious
theories in the field of education.
This collection on CD
contains the first 20 Volumes of
The Catholic Educational Review, all in PDF format.
We see reproduction prints of these old volumes going for 30
bucks a piece on ebay. Why pay 30 bucks for one print,
when you can get the first 20 electronically for less than
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 01, 1911, 543 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 02, 1911, 501 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 03, 1912, 503 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 04, 1912, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 05, 1913. 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 06, 1913, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 07, 1914, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 08, 1914, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 09, 1915, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 10, 1915, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 11, 1916, 495 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 12, 1916, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 13, 1917, 501 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 14, 1917, 487 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 15, 1918, 485 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 16, 1918, 421 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 17, 1919, 405 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 18, 1920, 647 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 19, 1921, 699 pages
The Catholic Educational Review Vol 20, 1922, 645 pages
Please note that this collection contains scans of old books, some
of which were in poor condition before being rescued and digitized for
posterity. This means that you may see some pages with creases
and tears that show up in the scans. |