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Milling Machine Operation DVD Shop Practice Jigs Fixtures Machinist Guide

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If you have any interest in getting a home milling machine and are looking to get into the hobby, or if you are a pro, this collection is for you.  Each book is in high resolution PDF format.



The Milling Machine Reference Library

Included:  7 hours of Instructional Videos
:  How To Manuals and Guides
Included:  Instructional Textbooks
Included:  Reference Manuals and Historic Guides

The best selling Milling Reference Library Collection on one easy to use DVD!

This collection includes video in .mp4 format.  This is a data DVD can be played in any computer.  It cannot be played in a DVD player attached to your TV.

All Books are in PDF format, for easy searching and printing

Full breadth of milling topics are covered, such as Milling Machine Shop operations, Jigs and Fixtures, Screw Making, and more.  Scroll down for a full list.

7 hours of instructional videos on important topics about basic skills in the field. 

If you have any interest in becoming a getting a home milling machine and are looking to get into the hobby, or if you are a pro, or if you are going to school to become one, this collection of books and guides on machining will enhance your skills regardless of what kind of level you are at.  The historical books and guides give you a perspective that is hard to capture in a classroom, while the videos are easy to follow for anyone. 

15 videos are included on this disk, in .mp4 format that can be played on any computer.  These videos combined are about 7 hours long!  You can save them to your hard drive, and then place them on your Ipad or tablet or phone, and watch them in your shop at your convenience.  They provide a great instruction on proper machining skills and techniques.  Great tips and tricks!

CNC Tutorial 1 of 3- Introduction to Machining -
Topics covered include Safety, Cutting Tools Material of cutting tools Costs Tool holders and shows parts that have been made on a CNC mill.
CNC Tutorial 2 of 3- Using the CNC Mill -
Description of Fryer CNC mill, Powering on, homing, clamping down parts, using the vise, Machine movements line vs rapid pulse generator jog button, tool changing. the jig, drilling and tapping the blank, writing the drilling program, tool offsets, running the drill program, tapping the holes by hand
CNC Tutorial 3 of 3- Making the Nameplate -
mounting to the jig, edge detection, technical drawing associated with the nameplate (i.e. blueprint), machining operations, cutter radius compensation, offline software, writing the program for making the nameplate, profiling, edging, engraving, verifying with the draw feature
Cutting a Keyway on a Horizontal Milling Machine -
This is a video that shows how to set up a Kearney & Trecker model 2H Horizontal Mill to cut a keyway in a shaft. A basic skill any machinist should know.
Boring hub in Flat Belt Pulley -
The process used to bore the hub in the cast iron flat belt pulleys.  This video was done to again illustrate how to apply basic machining skills and principles in a real life example project.
How to make a screw driver -
While it is unlikely that you will ever need to make a screwdriver yourself, watching how a simple project can be done using advanced machining skills will allow you to learn those skills and how to apply them.
Keyway Broaching a Pulley -
Another video in our series about how modern day machining skills are applied to relatively simple projects. This one covers broaching a keyway in the hubs of the pulleys.
Machining and Installing Bronze Bearings-Bushings -
Interesting machining skills are shown here during a project to machine and install bronze bearings for a large restoration project.
Making a Mandrel and Turning Between Centers -
  This ties into our video on making flat belt pulleys.  In this video, a custom mandrel to turn the pulleys is made, showing you some advanced machining techniques.
Making a Square Head Bolt- Threading on a Metal Lathe -
A Simple project that can show you how to use advanced techniques.
Milling Machine Maintenance- Adjusting Gibs and Ways -
How to adjust or tighten up gibs and ways on a Wells Index vertical milling machine. Similar methods can also be used on other types of milling machines.
Pattern Making - Flat Belt Pulley 1, 2, and 3 -
This is a series of 3 videos showing how to make a wooden pattern for a flat belt pulley to be made out of cast iron for an antique matcher/planer.
Vocational Training - Machinist and Tool Make -
This vintage video shows and explains the 5 ways of machining metals, employing the engine lathe, drill press, millinging maching, planer and grinder.  Importance of knowledge of being able to use measuring devices and blueprint reading is also presented.

Scroll down for screen captures!

We are not going to stop there.  In addition to those videos, we are also including 110 books to help you learn more milling!  Some of these are short reference guides, where as most of them are full length books.  They are provided here to help you start building your own milling and machinist reference library.  Some of them are probably being the range of the average user, but they are great set of reference material for the beginner or expert alike. 

Milling Machine Reference Collection
A Treatise on Milling and Milling Machines,
Cincinnati Milling, 1916, 420 pages
Handbook of Milling Details,
Engineering & Mining Journal, 1914, 452 pages
How To Use A Milling Machine,
55 pages
Milling Fixtures,
by E.R. Markham, 1912, 56 pages
Milling Machine Kinks,
by F. Colvin and F. Stanley, 1908, 116 pages
Milling Machine Operations,
US Army, 1988, 81 pages
Milling Machines and Milling Practice,
D. Dries, 1910, 481 pages
by A. Theegarten, M. Geyer, 1922, 41 pages
Modern Milling Machines,
by J.G. Horner, 1906, 326 pages
Modern Milling, A Practical Manual on Milling Machines,
by E. Pull, 1917, 204 pages
Planing & Milling,
by F.D. Jones, 1915, 326 pages
Reamers Sockets, Drills & Milling Cutters,
by The Industrial Press, 1910, 48 pages
Textbook of Advanced Machine Work,
by Robert H. Smith, 1915, 578 pages
The Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. Catalog,
1902, 96 pages
The Milling Machine- Screws & Screw-Machine,
Britannia Co.,1891, 327 pages

Jigs & Fixtures
Drill Jigs,
by E. R. Markham et al, 3rd ed., 1913, 55 pages
Jig & Fixture Design,
by Franklin D. Jones, 1920, 335 pages
Jig & Fixture Kinks,
by F. H. Colvin & F. A. Stanley, 1908, 111 pages
Jigs & Fixtures,
by Albert A. Dowd & Frank W. Curtis, 1922, 303 pages
Jigs & Fixtures,
by Einar Morin. 2nd ed., 1901, 85 pages
Jigs, Tools & Fixtures - Their Drawing & Design,
by Philip Gates, 1922, 210 pages
Tools, Chucks & Fixtures,
by Albert A. Dowd, 1915, 316 pages

Screw Making
1904 Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. Machinery and Tool Catalogue,
486 pages
1909 Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. Machinery and Tool Catalogue,
135 pages
A Treatise on the Construction & Use of Universal Milling Machines,
Brown & Sharpe Co., 1882, 110 pages
Automatic Screw Machines & Their Tools,
by C. L. Goodrich & F. A. Stanley, 1909, 268 pages
Automatic Screw Machines,
by Douglas T. Hamilton & F. D. Jones, 1916, 352 pages
Care and Use of Automatic Gear Cutting Machines,
Brown & Sharpe Co., 69 pages
Cold-Heading, by Chester L. Lucas, 1914, 43 pages
Machinery & Tools,
Brown and Sharpe, 1916, 344 pages
Practical Treatise on Gearing,
Brown and Sharpe Mfg, 1896, 192 pages
Practical Treatise on Gearing,
Brown and Sharpe Mfg, 1902, 184 pages
Practical Treatise on Milling & Milling Machines,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 1914, 344 pages
Screw Machine Kinks, by F. H. Colvin & F. A. Stanley, 1908, 93 pages
Screw Thread Cutting, by E. Oberg et al, 1909, 39 pages
Screw Thread Kinks,
by F. H. Colvin & F. A. Stanley, 1908, 114 pages
Screw Thread Production to Close Limits,
by Howard. E. Adt, 1920, 199 pages
Screw Thread Tools & Gages,
by Erik Oberg et al, 2nd rev. ed., 1910, 43 pages
Screws & Screw Making,
Britannia Co., 1891, 215 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 1, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 15 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 2, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 18 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 3, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 11 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 4, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 17 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 5, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 12 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 6, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 19 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 7, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 16 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 8, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 14 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 9, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 13 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 10, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 14 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 11, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 18 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 12, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 12 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 13, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 11 pages
Set-up and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines - No. 14, 1968,
Brown & Sharpe Mfg, 35 pages
The Calculation of Change-Wheels for Screw Cutting - A Practical Manual, by D. de Vries, 1908, 92 pages
The Screw-Cutting Lathe,
by James F. Hobart, 1907, 175 pages
Thread Cutting Methods,
by Franklin D. Jones, 1918, 354 pages

Standard Shop Practice
American Machinist Grinding Book,
by F. H. Colvin, F. A. Stanley, 1912, 392 pages
Bandsaw Operations,
US Army, 1988, 101 pages
Complete Workshop Practice,
ILT, 1908, 847 pages
Cyclopedia of Modern Shop Practice, Part I,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1906, 575 pages
Cyclopedia of Modern Shop Practice, Part II,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1906, 540 pages
Cyclopedia of Modern Shop Practice, Part III,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1906, 589 pages
Cyclopedia of Modern Shop Practice, Part IV,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1906, 582 pages
Drill Press Kinks,
by F. H. Colvin & F. A. Stanley, 1908, 109 pages
Elementary Machine Shop Practice,
by J. A. Pratt, 1921, 327 pages
Elementary Machine Shop Practice,
by T. J. Palmateer, 1920, 124 pages
Elementary Workshop Practice,
HTI, undated, 56 pages
Examples of Machine Shop Practice,
by H. P. Fairfield, 1911, 47 pages
Fundamentals of Machine Tools,
US Army, 1996, 309 pages
Grinding & Lapping,
by O. Kylin et al, 1909, 48 pages
Handbook of Small Tools,
by E. Oberg, 1908, 528 pages
Machine Shop Practice,
by W. J. Kaup, 1911, 238 pages
Machine Shop Primer,
by F. H. Colvin, F. A. Stanley, 1910, 153 pages
Machine Shop Tools & Methods,
by W.S. Leonard, 7th ed., 1919, 590 pages
Machine Shop Tools & Shop Practice,
by W. H. Van Dervoort, 7th ed., 1918, 547 pages
Machine Shop Work, F. W. Turner,
by O. E. Perrigo &, H. P. Fairfield, 1919, 367 pages
Machine Stops, Trips & Locking Devices,
by J. G. Horner, 1913, 43 pages
Machine Tool Operation for Maximum Production,
by C. Day, 1909, 34 pages
Machine Tool Operation, Part I,
by H. D. Burghardt, 1919, 358 pages
Machine Tool Operation, Part II,
by H. D. Burghardt, 1922, 457 pages
Machine Tools & Their Operation, Part I,
by F. H. Colvin &, F. A. Stanley, 1922, 350 pages
Machine Tools & Their Operation, Part II,
by F. H. Colvin &, F. A. Stanley, 1922, 418 pages
Machine Tools & Workshop Practice,
by A. Parr, 1905, 482 pages
Machinery Repairman,
US Navy, 1993, 435 pages
Mechanical Engineering & Machine Shop Practice,
by S.H. Moore, 1908, 516 pages
Methods of Machine Shop Work,
by F.A. Halsey, 1914, 296 pages
Modern American Machine Tools,
by C. H. Benjamin, 1907, 340 pages
Modern Shop Practice, Vol II,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1917, 416 pages
Modern Shop Practice, Vol V,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1917, 400 pages
Modern Shop Practice, Vol III,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1917, 383 pages
Modern Shop Practice, Vol IV,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1917, 367 pages
Modern Shop Practice, Vol VI,
by H. M. Raymond, Editor in Chief, 1917, 411 pages
Practical Planer Kinks,
by C. Ashley, 1905, 82 pages
Precision Measuring & Gaging,
US Army, 1988, 96 pages
Press Tool Kinks,
by F. H. Colvin & F. A. Stanley, 1908, 112 pages
Repair Kinks,
by F. H. Colvin & F. A. Stanley, 1908, 107 pages
Shop & Foundry Practice,Vol I,
ITC, 1901, 540 pages
Shop & Foundry Practice,Vol II,
ITC, 2nd ed. 1901, 605 pages
Shop & Foundry Practice,Vol III,
ITC, 2nd ed., 1901, 714 pages
Shop & Foundry Practice,Vol IV,
ITC, 2nd ed. 1901, 741 pages
Shop Kinks,
by R. Grimshasw, 1904, 392 pages
Shop Practice for Home Mechanics,
by R. F. Yates, 1920, 319 pages
Steelworker Tools & Equipment,
US Navy, 1988, 12 pages
Text-Book of Advanced Machine Work,
by R.H. Smith, 7th Ed., 1922, 802 pages
Text-Book of the Elements of Machine Work,
by R. H. Smith, 1910, 203 pages
Text-Book of the Principles of Machine Work,
by R. H. Smith, 1910, 397 pages
The Mechanical Equipment,
by J.W. Roe, 1918, 532 pages
The Testing of Machine Tools,
by G.W. Burley, 1915, 240 pages
Tool & Machine Setting,
by P. Gates, 1921, 101 pages
Workshop Appliances,
by C. P. B. Shelley, 8th ed., 1888, 365 pages

Video Screen Shots:

  • Model: CA-V45

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