All books are in PDF
format, for easy searching and printing This is a collection of books and publications
that cover the topic of the slide rule. This disk is
remains the best selling reference collection ever put together on one
DVD on this topic. The titles included are as follows:
Mathematics for the Machinist:
Advanced Shop Arithmetic for the Machinist,
by E.
Oberg, 1910, 56 pages
Machine Shop Calculation,
by US Army, 1988,
127 pages
Machine Shop Calculations,
by F. H. Colvin, 1908, 183 pages
Machine Shop Mathematics,
by G. Wentworth, D. E. Smith & H. D. Harper, 1922, 168 pages
Mathematics for Machinists,
by R. W. Burnham, 1915, 238 pages
Shop Arithmetic for the Machinist,
by E. Oberg, 1921, 121 pages
Shop Mathematics, by E. E. Holton, 1910,
232 pages
Shop Mathematics, by E. Oberg & F. D. Jones, 1920,
288 pages
Shop Mathematics, by J. M. Christman, 1922.
407 pages
Shop Mathematics, Part I,
by E. B. Norris & K. G. Smith, 1912, 200 pages
Shop Mathematics, Part II,
by E. B. Norris & R. T. Craigo, 1913, 227 pages
Shop Mathematics,
by US Navy, 1988,
50 pages
Shop Problems in Mathematics,
by W. E. Breckenridge, S. F. Mersereau & C.
F. Moore, 1910, 288 pages
Tables & Formulas for Shop & Drafting-Room,
by E. Oberg, 1909, 47 pages
The Calculator's Constant Companion,
by O. Byrne, 1854, 297 pages
The Practical Model Calculator,
by O. Byrne, 1863, 587 pages
Workshop Mathematics, Part I,
by F. Castle, 1902, 163 pages
Workshop Mathematics, Part II,
by F. Castle, 1900, 188 pages
The Slide Rule:
A History of the Logarithmic Slide Rule & Allied Instruments,
by F. Cajori, 1909, 159 pages
A Key to the Modern Sliding Rule,
by W. Flower, 1768, 264 pages
A Key to the Slide Rule,
by F. A. Bryant, 1848, 174 pages
A Programmed Sequence on the Slide Rule,
by E. Roberts, 1962, 67 pages
A Simple Explanation of the Theory & Use of the Slide Rule, etc.,
by R. G. Blaine, 1907, 169 pages
A Thorough Treatise on Mensuration & the Sliding Rule,
by D. M. Knapen, 1849, 288 pages
A Treatise of the Sliding Rule, by
T. H. McLeod, 1846, 165 pages
A Treatise on a Box of Instruments & the Slide Rule,
by T. Kentish, 1872, 260 pages
A Treatise on Gunter's Scale & the Sliding Rule,
by G. Curtis, 1824, 121 pages
Calculating Companion for the Slide Rule,
by J. L. Rowland, 1855, 41 pages
Coggeshall's Sliding Rule,
by J. Good, 1786, 105 pages
Constructive Text Book of Practical Mathematics,
by H. W. Marsh, 1914, 274 pages
Cylindrical Slide Rule,
by E. Tacher, 1884, 74 pages
Fundamentals of Practical Mathematics,
by G. Wentworth et al, 1922, 213 pages
Handbook of the Double Slide Rule,
by W. H. Bayley, 1864, 181 pages
Handbook of the Slide Rule,
by W. H. Bayley, 1876, 346 pages
How to Use Slide Rules,
by D. Petri-Palmedo, circa 1900, 63 pages
Instructions for the Engineers' & Mechanics' Improved Slide Rule,
by J.Howe, 1845, 49 pages
Instructions for the Use of the Eureka Slide Rule,
by J. Noble, 1881, 75 pages
Mannheim & Multiplex Slide Rules,
by L. W. Rosenthal, 1905, 68 pages
On the History of Gunter's Scale & the Slide Rule during the 17th
by F. Cajori, 1920, 31 pages
Operating Instructions, The Reed Electronic Engineer's Slide Rule,
by J.G. Reed, 22 pages
Practical Mensuration by the Pen & Slide Rule,
by T. Martin, 1831, 252 pages
Slide Rule Instructor,
by J. Chadwick, circa 1900, 85 pages
Slide Rule Notes,
by H. C. Dunlop & C. S. Jackson, 1913, 141 pages
Slide Rule Simplified,
by C.O. Harris, 1955, 276 pages
Spiral Slide Rule,
by G. Fuller, 1878, 20 pages
The 50 Centimeter Slide Rule,
by G. Gribble, 1911, 27 pages
The Complete Slide Rule Instructor,
by W. Patten, 1858, 90 pages
The Inverted Slide Rule,
by T. Hailstone, circa 1900, 26 pages
The Mannheim & Polyphase Slide Rules - A Self Teaching Manual,
by W. E. Breckenridge, 1922, 91 pages
The Mannheim Slide Rule - A Self Teaching Manual,
by W. E. Breckenridge, 1938, 84 pages
The Mannheim Slide Rule - Complete Manual,
by W. M. Cox, 1909, 40 pages
The Slide Rule - A Practical Manual,
by C. N. Pickworth, 1920, 150 pages
The Slide Rule - An Elementary Treatise,
by J. J. Clark, 1909, 74 pages
The Slide Rule & How to Use It,
by C. Hoare, 1896, 181 pages
The Slide Rule & Logarithmic Tables,
by J. J. Clark, 1921, 201 pages
The Slide Rule Simplified,
by G. W. Richarson & J. J. Clark, 1918, 108 pages
The Use of the Slide Rule,
by A. R. Cullimore, 1920, 45 pages
The Use of the Slide Rule, by F. A.
Halsey, 1915, 110 pages
Treatise on the Circular, Multi-Index, Spiral Slide Rule,
by T. Dixon, 1881, 14 pages
Treatise on the Combined Circular, Multicircular & Five-Figures
Logarithmic Decimal Slide Rule, by
T. Dixon, 1883, 28 pages
Treatise on the Slide Rule,
by T. Dixon, 1881 (some pages are off), 203 pages
Technical Drawings:
Advanced Shop Drawing,
by V. C. George, 1920, 160 pages
Compendium of Drawing,
by C. L. Griffin et al, 1904, 509 pages
Cyclopedia of Drawing - Mechanical,
by A. E. Zapf editor In-Chief, 1907, 461 pages
Drawing Room Kinks,
by F. H. Colvin & F. A. Stanley, 1908, 118 pages
Principles of Drafting & Shop Drawings,
by US Army, 1988, 117 pages
Slide Rule Notes,
by H. C. Dunlop & C. S. Jackson, 1913, 135 pages
The Slide Rule - A Practical Manual,
by C. N. Pickworth, 1920, 144 pages |