This CD contains The 5 Volume
Exposition on the Old and New Testament by Matthew Henry
This reference CD contains well over 4,800 pages, and
is an invaluable tool for students and scholars alike.
A full hardcopy set will cost you hundreds of dollars,
why waste time with a big old bulky collection like
that, when you can have them all on CD that is easy to
read and do text searches?
Matthew Henry's well-known
5 volume Complete Exposition on The Old and New Testament, provides an
exhaustive verse by verse study of the Bible. covering the whole
of the Old Testament, and the Gospels and Acts in the New
Henry's commentaries are primarily exegetical, dealing with the
scripture text as presented, with his prime intention being
explanation, for practical and devotional purposes. While not
being a work of textual research, for which Henry recommended
Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum, Henry's Exposition gives
the result of a critical account of the original as of his time,
with practical application. It was considered sensible and
stylish, a commentary for devotional purposes.
This CD-ROM contains all of these
books in PDF format, for viewing only in your computer.
This CD cannot be played on the CD player hooked up to your TV
or stereo.
Hard cover versions of these works
have sold for hundreds of dollars. With
our CD, you can read, study, and print out the pages as many
times as you want.