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The Works of James Arminius, 3 Vol Bible Commentary Study Calvinism PDF CD

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This CD-ROM contains The Works of James Arminius, the full 3 Volume Complete Set.  Each book is in high resolution PDF format.



The Works of James Arminius

3 Volume Complete Set on CD-ROM



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> 1200 pages

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Jacobus Arminius (aka Jacob Arminius, James Arminius, and his Dutch name Jacob Harmenszoon) (October 10, 1560–October 19, 1609), was a Dutch theologian and (from 1603) professor in theology at the University of Leiden. Arminius is undoubtedly the best-known critic of John Calvin's teachings, and one's perception of him often depends on one's view of Calvinism. A Calvinist once described Arminianism and Calvinism by noting the former as "the religion of common sense" and the latter as "the religion of St. Paul." By contrast, however, Arminius has also been called the greatest of the church's three great theologians. According to one of his admirers, "Athanasius understood God, Augustine understood man and Arminius understood the relationship between God and man." There's probably not a single Christian theologian who is as misrepresented as James Arminius (except for maybe Augustine). Most critiques of his theology focus on the more extreme descendents of his teaching and almost never interact with his works on their own. Most don't even quote him!

What were Arminius' views, and how did this humble and devout man become so hated in many evangelical circles?? On the first four points, he clearly rejected Calvinism. He believed (1) no one can come to Christ of his own free will, (2) God predestined to salvation all who, by faith, believed in His Son, (3) even though only those who believe obtain the benefit of that death, Christ died for all, and (4) the grace by which a man is drawn to Christ can be resisted so that the man ends up perishing. With respect to the fifth point (that of perseverance of the saints), he ended up stating he was unsure as to whether Scripture teaches that a true believer cannot fully or finally fall away from the faith and become lost. In addition to those doctrines, Arminius advocated infant baptism, the existence of the church since the Fall, Erastianism, and the view that whereas Galatians 5 describes the struggle between the "spirit" and the "flesh" in the life of a Christian, Romans 7 describes the struggle the "mind" and the "flesh" in the life of a person who is not yet saved.

All in all, this is a classic work that ought to be in as many libraries as Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, and John Calvin. These works are essential to understanding how the Bible explains the tension between the man's will and God's grace. In addition, few Arminian commentaries or systematic theology books come even close to the careful exegesis and spirit displayed in these works by Jacobus Arminius.

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, embraced Arminian theology and became its most prominent champion. Today, Methodism remains committed to Arminian theology, and Arminianism itself has become one of the dominant theological systems in the United States.

Jacobus {James) Arminius was born at Oudewater, Utrecht. His father Herman ('Arminius' is a Latinized form of Harmenszoon, Herman's son) died while Jacob was an infant, leaving his mother a widow with small children. A priest, Theodorus Aemilius, adopted Jacobus and sent him to school at Utrecht. His mother was slain during the Spanish massacre of Oudewater in 1575. About that year Arminius was sent to study theology at the University of Leiden by the kindness of friends (Rudolph Snellius).

Arminius remained at Leiden from 1576 to 1582. His teachers in theology included Lambertus Danaeus, Johannes Drusius, Guillaume Feuguereius, and Johann Kolmann. Kolmann believed and taught that high Calvinism made God both a tyrant and an executioner. Under the influence of these men, Arminius studied with success and had seeds planted that would begin to develop into a theology that would later compete with the dominant Reformed theology of John Calvin. Arminius began studying under Theodore Beza at Geneva in 1582. He was called to pastor at Amsterdam and was ordained in 1588. He was reputed to be a good preacher and faithful pastor. In 1590 he married Lijsbet Reael.

In His Works, James Arminius, discusses his opposition to John Calvin's teaching of the predestination of those whom God elects for salvation. He stressed that God had foreknowledge of all those who would later have faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life, and all those who reject Him for eternal separation from God. Arminius on the other hand emphasized that God has given human beings the free will, true freedom to either accept or reject salvation. The Works of James Arminius was first published in 1825 in Latin and then later translated into English by James Nichols, and William R. Bagnall.

Hard cover versions of these works have sold for 10 times or more the cost of this disk.  With our CD, you can read, study, and print out the pages as many times as you want.

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