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The Great Gildersleeve & Adventures of Sam Spade, 667 FULL SHOWS, OTR DVD

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Classic Full length old time radio shows on MP3 format on disk.  Anyone into old time radio will love this disk.  Each book is in high resolution PDF format.



A Double Feature Old Time Radio mp3 DVD

featuring 667 classic episodes of:

Great Gilder old time radio Sam Spade old time radio

553 classic episodes of The Great Gildersleeve
classic episodes of The Adventures of Sam Spade
bonus classic Old Time Radio Shows


Don't be fooled by other collections that claim to contain more episodes.  Many of these shows were aired on multiple dates in reruns, so you have plenty of sellers out there padding their collections with reruns!  We feature all known episodes in existence and do not add "fluff" to our collections to increase our claimed episode count like many others.  We always include an episode list, so that you can see all the episodes included for yourself.

NOTICE: This collection is all in MP3 format supplied on DVD.  You play this in your computer and then can copy all the MP3 files to your MP3 player of choice.  This DVD will NOT play in a regular CD player in your car, or your TV's DVD player, it is intended for your computer only which will allow you to transfer the MP3 files to any device that can play MP3's.  This collection remains the largest most original collection.

The Great Gildersleeve:

The Great Gildersleeve was a radio situation comedy broadcast in the USA from August 31, 1941, to 1958. Initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, it was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. The series was built around the character Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve, a regular element of the radio situation comedy Fibber McGee and Molly. The character was introduced in the October 3, 1939 episode (number 216) of that series. Actor Harold Peary had played a similarly named character, Dr. Gildersleeve on earlier episodes. The Great Gildersleeve enjoyed its greatest popularity in the 1940s. Peary played the character during its transition from the parent show into the spin-off and later in four feature films released at the height of the show's popularity.

The Great Gildersleeve premiered on NBC on August 31, 1941. It moves the title character from the McGees' Wistful Vista to Summerfield, where Gildersleeve oversees his late brother-in-law's estate and rears his orphaned niece and nephew, Marjorie and Leroy Forrester. The household also includes a cook named Birdie. While Gildersleeve had occasionally mentioned his (unseen) wife in some Fibber episodes, in his own series he is a confirmed bachelor.

At the outset of the series, Gildersleeve administers a girdle manufacturing company ("If you want a better corset, of course, it's a Gildersleeve"); later and during the remainder of the show he serves as Summerfield's water commissioner.

The following classic episodes are included in this DVD in .mp3 format:

410516 - Audition Show 460303 - State Water Inspector 501129 - Leroy's First Date
410831 - Arrives at Summerfield 460310 - Marjorie's Dance Date with Uncle Mort 501206 - Leroy's Laundry Business
410907 - Birdie Arrives 460317 - Leroy and Craig Arrested 501213 - Chief Gates on the Spot
410914 - Leroy's Paper Route 460324 - Gildy Traces Genealogy 501220 - Christmas Show - a Present for Kathryn
410921 - Marjorie's Girl Friend Visits 460331 - Picnic Before Doomsday 501227 - Gildy-Bullard Double Date New Year's Eve
410928 - Hiccups 460407 - Annual Dinner with Judge Hooker 510103 - Marjorie Craves Sauerkraut
411005 - Investigate the City Jail 460414 - Bank Robber Loose 510110 - Gildy Is Worn out from Late Dating
411019 - Pranks at School 460421 - Petition Against Trolley Car House 510117 - A Nervous Expectant Father
411026 - A Visit from Oliver 460428 - Leroy Wants a Pony 510131 - Marjorie's Baby Shower
411102 - Baby Sitting 460505 - Gildy in a Rut - New Image 510207 - Day off for Peavey - 30Th Anniversary
411109 - Birdie Quits 460512 - Leila's New Boy Friend 510214 - Throwing Snowballs
411116 - Serviceman for Thanksgiving 460519 - Leroy Learns to Dance - Party for Ethel 510221 - Marjorie's Babys Arrive
411123 - Leroy Smokes a Cigar 460526 - Flashback - Meets Leila Ransome 510228 - Trying to Name the Twins
411130 - The Canary Won't Sing 460602 - Flashback - Plays Cyrano, Meet Eve 510307 - Marjorie and the Twins Coming Home - Grandpa Isn't
411207 - Cousin Octavia Visits 460609 - Flashback - Jolly Boys 4Th of July Picni 510314 - Gildy Pushes Attendanced at the Jolly Boys Club
411214 - Selling the Iron Deer 460918 - The Commissioner Turns off the Water 510321 - Bronco Tries to Run the House
411221 - Christmas Gift for Fibber McGee 460918 - The Commissioner Turns off the Water 510328 - Gildy and Leroy Baby Sit the Twins
411228 - Leroy's New Dog 460925 - Gildy's New Spruce Scent - Leila Engaged 510404 - Bullard Needs Boat Access
420104 - Gildy Goes on a Diet 461002 - Leila's Wedding Invitations 510411 - Gildy Worried That Kids Want to Leave
420111 - Gildy Arrested as Car Thief 461009 - Leila Leaves Town 510418 - Leroy in Love with Marcelle
420118 - A New Bed for Marjorie 461016 - Gildy Contemplates Early Retirement 510425 - Leroy's Pony
420125 - Matchmaker 461023 - Gildy Asks for a Raise 510502 - Spring Cleaning the Judges House
420201 - Leroy Runs Away 461030 - Real Estate Agent - Hooker as a Boarder 510509 - Marjorie and Bronco's First Anniversary
420208 - Auto Mechanics 461106 - Pajama Party - Marjorie Gets Engaged 510516 - Boating Date with Kathryn
420222 - Selling the Drugstore 461113 - Smitten by an Unknown Beautiful Lady 510523 - Bronco's Father Arrives - Twins Are Named
420301 - Fortune Teller 461120 - Gildy Takes up the Great Books 510530 - Leaving on Vacation to Half Moon Lake - Gildy's Sc
420315 - Ten Best Dressed 461127 - Birdy Takes a Vacation 510905 - Leroy Buys a Car
420322 - Gildy's New Neighbors 461204 - Jolly Boys Sponsor an Orphan 510912 - County Fair Comes to Summerfield
420329 - Gildy Writes to Servicemen for Marjorie 461211 - Leroy Afraid of a Bully 510919 - Falling for the Bullard Sister
420420 - Leroy Sells Flower Seeds 461218 - Leroy Wants A Motor Scooter 510926 - Marjorie Gets a Job
420426 - Gildy's Goat Horace 461225 - Christmas Caroling At Gildersleeve's 511003 - Gildy Wants to Be Re-Elected President of the Joll
420503 - Ship Christening 470101 - Big New Year's Costume Ball 511010 - Leroy Visits the Judge
420510 - Mystery Voice 470108 - Leila Back for a Visit - Gildy in Love 511017 - Bronco Almost Forgets About His First Date with Ma
420517 - College Chum Visits 470115 - Jolly Boy's Sleighride Judge Hooker 511024 - Gildy Takes Mrs Winthrop and Babs on a Picnic
420531 - Testimonial Dinner For Judge Hooker 470122 - Dancing School 511031 - Halloween and Gildy Finds a Lost Boy
420607 - The Sneezes 470129 - Marjorie's Hotrod Boyfriend 511107 - Marjorie and Bronco Want to Build a House
420614 - Gildy Produces a Play 470205 - Magazine Salesman 511114 - Marjorie and Bronco Decide Which Lot to Buy
420621 - Father's Day Chair 470212 - Old School Friend Visits Gildy 511121 - Inviting Thanksgiving Guests
420628 - Gildy Is in Love with Amelia Hooker 470219 - Bessie's Cousin Substitutes for Her 511128 - Getting Leroy to Study and Grow Up
420830 - Fishing Trip to Lake Hackmasack 470226 - Getting Rid of Bessie 511212 - Leroy Selling Christmas Trees
420906 - Golf Tournament 470305 - Marjorie Flipped over Crooner Larry Lake 511219 - Christmas Present for Paula
420913 - Winning The War (Recreation of a lost episode) 470312 - Leroy and Craig Picked up Taking Lumber 511226 - Opening Last Christmas Presents
421004 - Planting a Tree 470319 - Stuck with Water Dept Money over Night 520102 - Gildy Wants New Job to Keep up with Bron
421011 - First Cold Snap 470326 - First Day Of Spring - New Piano Teacher 520109 - Gilldy Has Disappeared In Hospital
421018 - Appointed Water Commissioner 470402 - Evening with Miss Piper 520116 - Gildy Talks to Everyone About Operation
421025 - Gildy's First Day on the Job 470409 - Bird Watchers 520123 - Trying to Be Alone with Paula
421101 - A Pal to Leroy 470416 - The Whole World Is Watching 520130 - Gildy Protects Hooker from Mona
421108 - Quiet Evening at Home 470423 - Leila's Party for Joanne 520206 - Gildy Hires Mrs Munson and Gets Flo Yo Too
421115 - College Chum's Son Visits 470430 - The Great Tchaikowsky Love Story 520213 - Engagement Ring Mixup
421122 - Thanksgiving Dinner 470507 - Leroy Excluded from Craig's Party (AFRS) 520220 - Civic Coordinator
421129 - Attend the Theatre - Date with a Star 470514 - Peavy Disappears 520227 - Leroy's Week of Freedom
421206 - Toothache 470521 - Teacher's Problems 520305 - Bullard Is House Guest - Need $2000 Loan
421220 - Christmas Program 470528 - Gildy Tries to Give up Smoking 520312 - Train Trip to Omaha
421227 - Leroy's Chemistry Set 470604 - Called in by the Irs 520319 - Gildy's Garden
430103 - Wanting to Marry Leila 470910 - Gildy Tries to Renew Romance with Eve 520326 - Television Comes to Summerfield
430110 - Fibber McGee and Molly Visit 470917 - Getting Everything Snug for Winter 520402 - Colorful Past
430117 - Women's Club Speaker 470924 - In Trouble with Bessie's Boy Friend 520409 - Easter Sunrise Service
430124 - Sabotage 471001 - Teaching Leroy Borrowing and Finance 520416 - Leroy the Bee Keeper
430131 - Fire Engine Committee 471008 - Beautiful Visitor at the Bullards 520423 - Diving for Publicity
430207 - Leila's Sister 471015 - Marjorie's Baby Tending Assignment 520430 - Bad Report Card - No Camp
430214 - Prank Valentines (Recreation of a lost episode) 471022 - Congressman Guildersleeve 520507 - Leroy the Singing Cowboy
430221 - The Keystone Club (Recreation of a lost episode) 471029 - Halloween Party 520514 - Bronco Coming Home-Gildy and Leroy Fishing
430314 - Income Tax Time 471105 - Hayride 520521 - Happy Moving Day
430321 - Community Victory Garden (Recreation of a lost episode) 471112 - Gildy Swindled on a Fur Coat 520528 - Leroy's Bike Motor
430328 - Springtime in Summerfield 471119 - Leroy in School Play 520604 - Katie Lee Visits Summerfield (AFRTS)
430404 - Gildy Repairs His Car 471126 - Thanksgiving - Tom Sawyer Raft 520604 - Katy Lee Visits Summerfield
430411 - Auto Accident with Judge Hooker 471203 - Fiscal Report Due 520611 - Bronco Wants a Wall Between Yards
430418 - Spring Hike 471210 - Christmas Shopping 520618 - Guess the Number of Beans Contest
430425 - Rabbits 471217 - Water Commissioner Accused of Loafing 520625 - Miss Mckinley of the Complaint Dept
430502 - Hard Water (Recreation of a lost episode) 471224 - Leroy's Christmas Dog 520702 - Fourth of July Speech
430509 - Wedding List 471231 - New Year's Eve Parties 520709 - Fishing with Miss Mckinley
430516 - Haunted House 480107 - Anne Tuttle Is Back in Town 520716 - Back Yard Camping
430523 - Leroy Gets a Job 480114 - Gildy Encourages Marjorie's New Romance 520730 - Bronco Sells Gildy's House
430530 - Memorial Day Parade 480121 - School Board Election Gildy Vs Hooker 520806 - Leroy Behaving Too Well
430606 - Wedding Shower for Leila 480128 - License Plate Time - Barber Shop Trip 520813 - Gildy Goes on a Diet
430613 - Gildy Plans Honeymoon 480204 - Acting Mayor 520820 - Leroy's Million Dollar Laundry
430627 - Wedding Day 480211 - Getting Glasses 520827 - Cousin Emily Comes for a Visit
430829 - End of Vacation at Grass Lake 480218 - Leila's Cousin Adeline Fairchild Arrives 520903 - Winning Leroy Back from Emily
430905 - New Grammar School Principal (Recreation of a lost episode) 480225 - Gildy Thinks Adeline's Stealing Birdie 520910 - Cleaning Bullard's House
430912 - War Bond Drive 480303 - Gildy Helps Girl-Shy Leroy 520917 - Driver's License Test
430919 - Leila Returning 480310 - Gildy Considers Marriage 520924 - Hooker and Peavey Are Feuding
430926 - Leila Arrives Home 480317 - Adeline's Beau Cecil - Duel 521001 - Economize
431003 - After School Activities (Recreation of a lost episode) 480324 - Adeline Wants to Visit the Jolly Boys 521008 - Ladie's Man
431010 - Old School Pal To Visit aka Royal Visit 480331 - Marjorie in Love with Her French Teacher 521015 - Watch Trouble
431017 - Heart Trouble (Recreation of a lost episode) 480407 - Gildy Raising Money for Baseball Field 521022 - Gildy the Athlete
431024 - Low Water Pressure 480414 - The Water Commissioner's Radio Speech 521029 - Suggestion Box
431031 - Halloween Party 480421 - Gildy's New Secretary 521105 - Gildersleeve Vs Golf
431107 - The Pot Roast 480428 - Dinner Courtesy of Hercules Kitchenware 521112 - Problems with Leroy's Teacher
431114 - Gildy Rejected by Eve Goodwin 480505 - Fish Fry 521119 - Leroy's Gift
431121 - Moose Hunt (Recreation of a lost episode) 480512 - Gildy Stays Home Sick 521126 - Miss Grace Tuttle and Bird Watching
431128 - The Concert Pianist (Recreation of a lost episode) 480519 - Green Thumb Women's Club 521203 - The Birthday Duck Dinner
431205 - Leilia's Unpaid Waterbill (Recreation of a lost episode) 480526 - Gildy Drives a Mercedes 521210 - Leroy's Christmas Job
431212 - Marjorie Runs Away (Recreation of a lost episode) 480602 - Gildersleeve Fired as Water Commissioner 521217 - Grace Tuttle's Brother Sydney
431219 - Christmas Eve Party (Recreation of a lost episode) 480908 - Gildy Finds Foundling 521224 - Gilldy And Leroy Alone For Christmas
431226 - Rainey Day After Christmas (Recreation of a lost episode) 480915 - Taking Care of Baby 521231 - New Year's Eve with Peavey
440102 - New Year, New Man (Recreation of a lost episode) 480922 - Taking Pictures of Baby Upsets Leroy 530107 - Leila Comes Back to Town
440109 - Gildy in Hospital 480929 - Name the Baby Contest 530114 - Gildy and Sidney Help Leila
440116 - Income Tax Returns 481006 - Gildy Tries to Reform for Welfare Invest 530121 - Cousin Bert Sends Leroy a Great Dane
440123 - Eve and Gildy Get Together 481013 - Visit by Aunt Hattie 530128 - Gildy and Grace Tuttle
440130 - Marjorie the Actress 481020 - Marjorie Ready to Marry to Keep Baby 530204 - Rivals, Leila and Grace, Meet
440206 - Sleigh Ride 481027 - Gildy Proposes to Adeline 530211 - Two Dates For Mayor Valentine's Party
440319 - Gildy Wants to Run for Mayor 481103 - Engagement 530218 - Gildy in Trouble With Leila & Grace
440326 - Campaign Photo 481110 - Leila Ransome Back in Town 530225 - Gildy's Great Dane Causes Peavey Trouble
440409 - Campaign Officially Starts - Easter Show 481117 - Engaged to Liela and Adeline 530304 - Extra Help at the Water Department
440423 - Arbor Day Speaker (Recreation of a lost episode) 481124 - Water Commissioner's Helicopter Flight 530311 - Leroy Moves Out To Marjorie's
440430 - Engaged 481201 - Leroy's Holiday Job 530318 - The Jam Session
440507 - Campaign Gets Hot 481208 - Disappearing Christmas Presents 530325 - Cleaning House - Rummage Sale
440514 - Gildy Engaged to Eve, but Kisses Leila 481215 - Christmas Shopping 530401 - Easter Sunrise Service
440521 - City Employees Picnic 481222 - Christmas Eve at Gildersleeve's 530408 - Leroy Has Trouble with the Mayor's Son
440528 - Campaign Headquarters 481229 - A Wedding Is Imminent 530415 - Boy's Club Takes over Jolly Boy Clubroom
440604 - Eve's Mother Visits 490105 - Gildy Takes up Writing 530422 - Marjorie and Bronco Are Fighting
440611 - Dinner for Eve's Mother 490112 - Love Thy Neighbor 530429 - Bottled Water Company Stock
440618 - Eve's Mother Stays On 490119 - Trip to the Dentist 530506 - Anniversary Present
440625 - Election Day - Gildy Loses 490126 - Eager Young Man at the Water Department 530513 - Gildy Going to Europe
440903 - Lonely Gildy 490202 - Adeline's Hat Shop 530520 - Leroy's Theme
440910 - Water Commissioner Is Fired - Rain Maker 490209 - Hat Shop Grand Opening 530527 - Witness at the Wedding
440917 - McGee's Invention 490216 - Leila Arrives to Close the Hat Shop 530603 - Birdie May Move to Marjorie's House
440924 - Plastic Mouse Trap - Banker's Son 490223 - Singing Lessons 530610 - Leroy Has the Mumps - Train Stop
441001 - Gildy Sells His House 490302 - Leroy's Girl-Friend and Her Mother 530617 - Gift for Miss Tuttle
441008 - Boy's Club 490309 - Gildy's Dream - Summerfield 1903 530624 - Swimming Trip to Grass Lake
441015 - Gildy Looks for a Job 490316 - Leroy Faces Competition 530701 - Togetherness
441022 - Important Phone Call 490323 - Gildy's New Secretary 530708 - Katie Lee Returns
441029 - Gildy Back as Water Commissioner 490330 - Acting Police Commissioner 530715 - Buying a Spray Gun
441105 - Election Day Bet 490406 - The Baby's Birthday Party Conflicts 530722 - Mae Home from Vacation - Engaged
441112 - Spansih Dancing Teacher 490413 - The Circus Comes to Summerfield 530729 - Leroy Going to Visit Aunt Hattie
441119 - Reception for Miss Del Rey (AFRS) 490420 - Haunted House 530805 - The Water Commissioner Is Fired
441119 - Reception for Miss Del Rey 490427 - Detective Gildersleeve After Burglar 530812 - Deciding on a Lake Cabin
441126 - Reception Aftermath 490504 - Mysterious Girl on the Bus 530819 - A Fish Story
441203 - Date with Miss Del Rey 490511 - Gildy's Millionaire Friend Visits 530826 - Sufficient Unto One's Self
441210 - Breach of Promise 490518 - Marjorie and Rodney, the Poet 530902 - Leroy's Girl - Jo Mac
441217 - Dodging a Process Server 490525 - Gildy Sues Bullard 530909 - Gildy Helps Raise Ronnie
441224 - Twas the Night Before Christmas 490601 - Folk Dancing Class 530916 - Birdie's Mystery Cake Recipe
441231 - Big New Year's Eve Party 490921 - Songwriter 530923 - Baby Sitter Gildy
450107 - Who's Dating Who 490928 - Gildy's New Hearthrob - Nurse Milford 530930 - Flattery
450114 - Engagement for the Defense 491005 - Double Date with Marjorie and Bronco 531007 - Home Haircut
450121 - The Hockey Player 491012 - Gildy at Hospital with Expectant Father 531014 - Gildy Involved with Teacher and Principal
450204 - Visit by Aunt Hattie 491019 - Tom Cat Troubles 531021 - Fire Bells Are Ringing
450218 - Aunt Hattie Stays On 491026 - Gildy's Rivel, Dr Olson 531028 - Unwilling Witness
450225 - Audience Warm-Up for 'Hattie and Hooker' 491102 - Rivalry Continues at the Carnival 531104 - Impulsive Gildy Almost Gets Married
450225 - Hattie and Hooker 491109 - Birthday Tea Party for Marjorie 531111 - The Authority Figure
450304 - Hiding From Aunt Hattie (Recreation of a lost episode) 491116 - A Job for Bronco 531118 - Gildy the Athlete Vs Doc Olsen
450311 - Chairman of Women's Committee 491123 - The Jolly Boys Band 531125 - Dinner Mixup with Peavey and Girls
450318 - Laughing Coyote Ranch 491130 - New Neighbor - Two Pants Pearson 531202 - Gildy Earns Christmas Money Selling Insu
450318 - Leila Hears A Burglar 491207 - Bronco Bows out for Marshall Bullard 531209 - Taking Bessie to the Dance
450325 - Old Flame Named Violet 491214 - The Christmas Spirit 531216 - Gildy and Hooker Feud at Christmas
450401 - Raising a Pig 491221 - Marjorie and Bronco Are Engaged 531223 - Selling Trees for Needy Children's Party
450408 - Leroy's Pet Pig Tiger 491228 - Hayride 531230 - New Year's Eve at Home with Leroy
450422 - Leila's Party 500104 - Engagement Announcement - Bronco's Famil 540106 - Irene's Father Pushes for a Wedding
450429 - New Neighbor - Bullard 500111 - Young French Dp Comes to Summerfield 540113 - Gildy in the Doghouse with Irene
450506 - Gildy Picks a Husband for Marjorie 500118 - Dinner with Kathryn 540120 - Leroy Going Steady
450512 - Leila's New Boyfriend 500125 - Dinner for Bronco's Folks 540127 - Bronco Mad at Gildy for Interferring
450513 - Meet Craig Bullard 500201 - Gildy Tries to Learn the Samba 540203 - Evening Conference with Leroy's Teacher
450520 - Unclaimed Savings Account - Buy Stock 500208 - Should Marjorie Work After Marriage 540210 - Judge Hooker's Annual Dinner
450527 - Bessie Quits 500215 - Wedding Day Set for Marjorie and Bronco 540217 - Gildy the Budding Politician
450603 - New Secretary - Leila 500222 - Jolly Boy Election 540224 - Jolly Boys Election
450610 - An Evening with a Good Book 500301 - Marjorie's Shower 540303 - Paula Winthrop Back in Town
450617 - Bullards Have a Party 500308 - Gildy's Blade 540310 - Gildy Is Old Fashioned and Square
450902 - Going to Grass Lake 500315 - Gildy Considers Marriage 540317 - New Girl in Town - Marie Olsen
450909 - Leroy's New Teacher 500322 - Picnic with the Thompsons 540324 - Hobby Show
450916 - Leroy Suspended from School 500329 - House Guest - Judge Hooker 540331 - Gildy Involved with Two Girls Again
450923 - Leila Returns Home 500405 - Appartment for Bronco and Marjorie 540407 - Marie Teaches Bronco French
450930 - Marjorie the Ballerina 500412 - Leroy's Billy Goat 540414 - Dinner Party for Bronco's Boss
451007 - Raking Leaves - Craig's Party 500419 - Marjorie's Wedding Gown 540421 - Marie Olsen Charms Everyone
451014 - Leroy Works off a Broken Vase 500426 - Jolly Boys Gift - a Rental Trailer 540428 - Gildy Swears off Girls, but Meets Thelma
451021 - Lightfoot Visits Leila 500503 - Bronco Disappears 540512 - Dinner for Dr Olsen Who's Leaving Town
451028 - Peavey's Wife Is Ill - Rumor 500510 - Wedding Day 540519 - Gildy Runs for Sheriff
451104 - Helping Leroy with His Studies 500517 - Fishing Trip to Grass Lake 540526 - Visit by Aunt Hattie
451111 - Teaching Marjorie Domestic Arts 500524 - Bronco the Real Estate Salesman 540602 - Trying to End Aunt Hattie's Stay
451118 - Falling out of the Jolly Boys 500531 - Sadie Hawkins Day Dance 541026 - Trying To Be Pals with Leroy
451125 - Big Football Game 500607 - House Boat 551020 - Floyd's Inheritance
451202 - Gildy Stuck with Opera Tickets 500614 - Vacation Plans on the House Boat 55xxxx - Vacation Time
451209 - Gildy Head of Opera Committee 500906 - Marjorie Is Pregnant 56xxxx - Doye O Dell's Dude Ranch
451216 - A Night at the Opera 500913 - Visiting In-Laws - Mrs Thompson's Sister 56xxxx - Doye O'Dell's Dude Ranch
451223 - Christmas Eve at Home 500920 - Gildy Looking for New Secretary 56xxxx - Judge Returns from Europe
451230 - New Year's Eve at Home 500927 - Gildy Shares Leroy's Piano Lessons 56xxxx - Peavey & Mayor Expect Gildy's Help in Election (Partial)
460106 - Ben Returns from the Navy 501004 - Community Chest Football Game - Leroy 56xxxx - Peavey and Mayor Expect Election Support
460113 - Ben Sells Life Insurance 501011 - Bullard Runs for Mayor 570307 - Gildy Causes Water To Be Shut Off
460120 - Exposing a Phony Swami 501018 - Weight Problems 570416 - Family Prepares For Easter
460127 - Gildy and Leila Feel Their Age 501025 - The Sons of Summerfield 57xxxx - Bessie's Vacation
460203 - Feud with the Bullards - Diplomat Gildy 501101 - Election Day 5xxxxx - Birdie Heiress
460210 - Need a New Car 501108 - A Better Man Than Bullard 5xxxxx - Gildy Invents a Water Filter
460217 - Leroy Has the Flu 501115 - Singing Birdie 5xxxxx - Leila's Antique Vase
460224 - Gildy's New Hobby - Boat in a Bottle 501122 - Water Department Calendar  

The Adventures of Sam Spade:

The Adventures of Sam Spade was a radio series based loosely on the private detective character Sam Spade, created by writer Dashiell Hammett for The Maltese Falcon. The show ran for 13 episodes on ABC in 1946, for 157 episodes on CBS in 1946-1949, and finally for 51 episodes on NBC in 1949-1951. The series starred Howard Duff (and later, Steve Dunne) as Sam Spade and Lurene Tuttle as his secretary Effie, and took a considerably more tongue-in-cheek approach to the character than the novel or movie. The series was largely overseen by producer/director William Spier. In 1947, scriptwriters Jason James and Bob Tallman received an Edgar Award for Best Radio Drama from the Mystery Writers of America.

Before the series, Sam Spade had been played in radio adaptations of The Maltese Falcon by both Edward G. Robinson (in a 1943 Lux Radio Theater production) and by Bogart himself (in a 1946 Academy Award Theater production), both on CBS.

Dashiell Hammett's name was removed from the series in the late 1940s because he was being investigated for involvement with the Communist Party. Later, when Howard Duff's name appeared in the Red Channels book, he was not invited to play the role when the series made the switch to NBC in 1950.

The following left in existence classic episodes are included in this DVD in .mp3 format:

460802 - Sam and Psyche 490619 - The Apple of Eve Caper
460809 - Death And Company 490710 - The Queen Bee Caper
461124 - Kandy Tooth Caper  - Pt 1 490724 - The Tears Of Night Caper
470202 - The Dead Duck Caper 490807 - The Champion Caper
470608 - The Calcutta Trunk Caper 490828 - The Prodical Daughter Caper
470615 - The Convertible Caper 490918 - The Over My Dead Body Caper
470817 - The Doctor's Dilemma Caper 490925 - The Indian Caper
471005 - The Adam Fig Caper 491106 - The Cheesecake Caper
471109 - The Bow Window Caper 491204 - The Flopsy Mopsy And Cottontail Caper
480104 - The One Hour Caper 500105 - The Biddle Riddle Caper
480125 - The Gold Key Caper 500513 - The Honest Thief Caper [Rehearsal]
480620 - The Death Bed Caper 500518 - The Red Anapola Caper - Rehearsal
480627 - The Bail Bond Caper 500521 - The Red Amapola Caper
480704 - The Rushlight Diamond Caper 500523 - The Honest Thief Caper [Rehearsal]
480711 - The Wheel Of Life Caper 500528 - The Honest Thief Caper
480718 - The Missing Newshawk Caper 500610 - Unknown Title
480725 - The Mad Scientist Caper 500903 - The Farmer's Daughter Caper
480801 - The Dry Martini Caper 501117 - The Caper Over My Dead Body
480808 - The Bluebeard Caper 501124 - The Terrified Turkey Caper
480815 - The Critical Author Caper 501201 - The Dog Bed Caper
480822 - The Vaphio Cup Caper 501208 - The Dry Gulch Caper
480829 - The Lawless Caper 501215 - The 251-1235679 Caper
480905 - The Stella Starr Caper 501229 - The Prodigal Panda Caper
480912 - The Lazarus Caper 510105 - The Biddle Riddle Caper
480919 - The Hot $100 Grand Caper 510112 - The Red Star Caper
480926 - The Dick Foley Caper 510119 - The Cloak And Dagger Caper
481003 - The Sugar Kane Caper 510126 - The Chateau McLeoud Caper
481024 - The Insomnia Caper 510202 - The String Of Death Caper
481031 - The Fairley-Bright Caper 510209 - The Sure Thing Caper
481107 - The Sqp Caper 510216 - The Soap Opera Caper
481128 - The Quarter-Eagle Caper 510223 - The Shot in the Dark Caper
481205 - The Neveroff Masterpiece Caper 510302 - The Crab Louis Caper
481212 - The Bouncing Betty Caper 510309 - The Spanish Prisoner Caper
490116 - The Betrayal & Bumpass Hell Caper 510316 - Sinister Siren Caper
490320 - The Trojan Horse Caper 510323 - The Kimberly Cross Caper
490327 - The Loveletter Caper 510330 - The Vendetta Caper
490410 - The Stopped Watch Caper 510406 - The Denny Shane Caper
490417 - Edith Hamilton 510413 - The Civic Pride Caper
490501 - The Battles of Belvedere 510420 - The Rowdy Dowser Caper
490521 - The Red Ampola Caper (Rehearsal) 510427 - The Hail and Farewell Caper
490528 - The Honest Thief Caper (Rehearsal) 510721 -  Life Can Be Murder
490605 - The Overjord Caper  

Other Bonus Radio Shows:

As a sampler of our old time radio library, we are including a sampler edition of an additional set of 31 old time radio shows of these classic series:

Sad Sack The Adventures of Santa Satellite Seven
Say It With Music Scout About Town Screwtape Letters
Seal of the Don Sensational Years  

  • Model: CA-F74

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