Any gardening buff knows
the best way to fertilize the garden is with organic
material and that the cheapest organic material is homegrown
compost. Mulches for the garden also come dearly and you're
tossing out valuable humus by setting out your clippings at
the curb. Now you can build this mulchmaker to help turn
grass clippings, leaves and non-seed-bearings weeds into
valuable compost or mulch. What the machine will do for you
is shred the material, permitting a more thorough mixing of
compost activators with the refuse, speeding its decay into
compost, and making compost or mulch easier to shovel and
spread. You can make this mulchmaker from a 16-in. hand
lawnmower and a 3-hp gasoline engine or a 1 to 1-1/2-hp
electric motor. The first job is to strip the lawnmower of
its handle, wheels and roller. Remove and discard the gears
on the reel shaft. Follow the dimensions shown in the plans
and be ready by the weekend.
This workshop tool plan contains
detailed step by step instructions with illustrations on how to complete
this project.
This workshop wood or tooling do it
yourself plan can be downloaded
immediately after purchase. If you have any questions about how
the download process works, please visit our
download help page. This
particular wood or tool instructional plan is also included in our as part of our
workshop wood plan package. If you purchase our complete
plan package, you will find this plan as part of that set. This
plan is intended to give our customers a preview of the workshop plan
package before they purchase it. Many of these plans are in
instructional format or article format, but they all accomplish their
goal of explaining to the user on how to successfully build the project
Our Wood Plans
and Tooling Plans can be immediately downloaded after
purchase. All plans are in PDF format.