"In recent years, such marvelous advances
have been made in the engineering and scientific fields, and so
rapid has been the evolution of mechanical and constructive
processes and methods, that a distinct need has been created for
a series of practical working guides, of convenient size and low
cost, embodying the accumulated results of experience and the
most approved modern practice along a great variety of lines. To
fill this acknowledged need, is the special purpose of the
series of handbooks to which this volume belongs.
In the preparation of this series, it has been the aim of the
publishers to lay special stress on the practical side of each
subject, as distinguished from mere theoretical or academic
discussion. Each volume is written by a well-known expert of
acknowledged authority in his special line, and is based on a
most careful study of practical needs and up-to-date methods as
developed under the conditions of actual practice in the field,
the shop, the mill, the power house, the drafting room, the
engine room, etc.
These volumes are especially adapted for purposes of self
instruction and home study. The utmost care has been used to
bring the treatment of each subject within the range of the
common understanding, so that the work will appeal not only to
the technically trained expert, but also to the beginner and the
self taught practical man who wishes to keep abreast of modern
progress. The language is simple and clear; heavy technical
terms and the formulae of the higher mathematics have been
avoided, yet without sacrificing any of the requirements of
practical instruction; the arrangement of matter is such as to
carry the reader along by easy steps to complete mastery of each
subject; frequent examples for practice are given, to enable the
reader to test his knowledge and make it a permanent possession;
and the illustrations are selected with the greatest care to
supplement and make clear the references in the text.
The method adopted in the preparation of these volumes is that
which the American School of Correspondence has developed and
employed so successfully for many years. It is not an
experiment, but has stood the severest of all tests that of
practical use which has demonstrated it to be the best method
yet devised for the education of the busy working man.
For purposes of ready reference and timely information when
needed, it is believed that this series of handbooks will be
found to meet every requirement.
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