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FlightGear World Scenery 3 DVD Complete Set

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World Scenery 3 DVD set for FlightGear. This companion to our FlightGear software contains 3 DVD's of 3D imagery of the entire world. Fly anywhere accross the globe.



FlightGear Flight Simulator

FlightGear Professional Flight Simulator


Flight Gear Plane Flight Gear Plan

This is an add-on to our Flight Gear Flight Simulator.  This is a 3 DVD disk set of HIGH RESOLUTION scenery of the entire world!!  Over 12 Gigabytes of scenery across the entire globe!  This 3 DVD set comes with a grid map telling you which scenery file covers which location.  Please note, this set DOES NOT include the Flight Simulator software itself.  That is for sale separately in our ebay store!  Every green box below represents a scenery file included on this DVD set.  Since there is no scenery above an ocean, there are obviously no unique scenery files for those:

FlightGear World Scenery Map

The entire USA, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, etc.  The whole world!  Over 20,000 airports to choose from!  The best deal around.


Flight Simulator Cockpit

 Flight Simulator Plane Flight

Flight Simulator Plane

 Flight Simulator Runway

Flight Simulator View

Flight Simulator Plane 

 Flight Simulator Plane

 Flight Simulator Plane Flight Simulator Plane Flight Simulator PlaneFlight Simulator Plane

 Flight Simulator Plane Flight Simulator Plane Flight Simulator Plane Flight Simulator Plane

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Extensive and Accurate World Scenery Data Base

  • Over 20,000 real world airports included in the full scenery set.
  • Correct runway markings and placement, correct runway and approach lighting.
  • Taxiways available for many larger airports (even including the green center line lights when appropriate.)
  • Sloping runways (runways change elevation like they usually do in real life.)
  • Directional airport lighting that smoothly changes intensity as your relative view direction changes.
  • Accurate terrain worldwide, based on the most recently released SRTM terrain data.) 3 arc second resolution (about 90m post spacing) for North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
  • Scenery includes all vmap0 lakes, rivers, roads, railroads, cities, towns, land cover, etc.
  • Nice scenery night lighting with ground lighting concentrated in urban areas (based on real maps) and headlights visible on major highways. This allows for realistic night VFR flying with the ability to spot towns and cities and follow roads.
  • Scenery tiles are paged (loaded/unloaded) in a separate thread to minimize the frame rate hit when you need to load new areas.

Accurate and Detailed Sky Model

FlightGear implements extremely accurate time of day modeling with correctly placed sun, moon, stars, and planets for the specified time and date. FlightGear can track the current computer clock time in order to correctly place the sun, moon, stars, etc. in their current and proper place relative to the earth. If it's dawn in Sydney right now, it's dawn in the sim right now when you locate yourself in virtual Sydney. The sun, moon, stars, and planets all follow their correct courses through the sky. This modeling also correctly takes into account seasonal effects so you have 24 hour days north of the arctic circle in the summer, etc. We also illuminate the correctly placed moon with the correctly placed sun to get the correct phase of the moon for the current time/date, just like in real life.

 Flight Simulator Cessna

Note: This 3 DVD set does not contain the FlightGear program.  That is for sale separately in our store.

  • Model: ADV-FLTSC1

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