A Concise Account of the Principal Works in Stained Glass
(1840) - By: Thomas Willement - 82 pages |
A Lecture on Stained Glass (1922) - By:
Professor R. Anning Bell - 28 pages |
A Short Account of Litchfield Cathedral More Particularly of the
Painted Glass With Which its Windows are Adorned
(1811) - 110 pages |
A Stained Glass Tour in Italy: With Thirty-three Illustrations
(1913) - By: Charles Hitchcock Sherrill -
258 pages |
A Treatise on The Art of Glass Painting
(1902) - By: Ernest Suffling - 198 pages |
An Essay on the Art of Painting on Glass
(1851) - By: O Fromberg - 124 pages |
An Inquiry Into the Difference of Style Observable in Ancient
Glass Painting Especially in England With Hints on Glass
Painting (1847) - 411 pages |
An Introduction to the Study of Painted Glass
(1878) - By: A. A. - 92 pages |
Ancient painted glass in England (1170-1500)
- By: Philip Nelson - 402 pages |
Ancient Stained and Painted Glass (1913) -
By: F. Sydney - 183 pages |
Belcher Mosaic Glass Co. Catalog (1886) -
142 pages |
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Stained Glass From the XI th to
the XVIII th Cent. (1920) - By: Demotte Inc
- 152 pages |
Illustrations of the Architectural Ornaments and Embellishments
and Painted Glass of the Temple Church, London
(1845) - By: W. R. H. Essex - 88 pages |
Memoirs Illustrative of the Art of Glass-Painting
(1865) - By: The Late Charles Winston - 418
pages |
Notes on the Painted Glass in Canterbury Cathedral
(1897) - By: Rev. F. W. Farrar - 132 pages |
Painting on Glass and Porcelain and Enamel Painting
(1897) - By: Felix Hermann - 316 pages |
Stained Glass as an Art (1896) - By: Henry
Holiday - 250 pages |
Stained Glass of the Middle Ages in England and France
(1913) - By: Hugh Arnold and Painted By:
Lawrence B. Saint - 497 pages |
Stained Glass Tours in England With Sixteen Illustrations
(1909) - By: Charles Hitchcock Sherrill -
342 pages |
Stained Glass Tours in France (1908) - By:
George Hitchcock Sherrill - 340 pages |
Stained Glass Windows: An Essay (1900)- By:
William Frederic Faber - 52 pages |
Stained Glass Work: A Text-Book for Students and Workers in
Glass: With Diagrams By Two of His Apprentices and Other
Illustrations (1920) - By: C. W. Whall - 398
pages |
Stained Glass: A Handbook on the Art of Stained and Painted
Glass, Its Origin and Development From the Time of Charlemagne
to Its Decadence (850-1650 A.D.) - (1922) -
By: Alfred Werck - 220 pages |
Storied Windows : A Traveller's Introduction to the Study of Old
Church Glass (1914) - By: A. Bushnell - 425
pages |
Windows A Book About Stained & Painted Glass
(1909) - By: Lewis F. Day - 437 pages |