A fantastic collection of classic
magazines, first published by the Hartford Steam Boiler
Inspection and Insurance Company. The primary focus of
the magazine is to study locomotive steam boiler accidents
and issues. Accidents are detailed out to root cause
which led to improvements in the design of boilers. A
must have resource for those folks that are into Railroad
History in the United States.
This collection on CD
contains the first 42 Volumes of
The Locomotive, all in PDF format. Volume 1
starts with January of 1880, while volume 42 goes through
October of 1941. In the beginning, the magazine was
published monthly, then went to quarterly in its later
years. Each volume is about 200-250 pages.
Please note that this collection contains scans of old books, some
of which were in poor condition before being rescued and digitized for
posterity. This means that you may see some pages with creases
and tears that show up in the scans.