Electroplating of Metals DVD
with electroplating processes
Books on all plating and electroplating topics, such as:
Electroplating of Particular Metals, Electroplating
Solutions, Electrometallurgy, and General Electroplating
Reference Books on DVD.
The best
and Plating Library
Collection on one easy to use DVD!
Neatly organized books, by topics as shown, on DVD.

All books are in PDF
format, for easy searching and printing
This is a collection of books and publications
on disk that cover the topic of electroplating and plating. This disk is
remains the best selling reference collection ever put together on one
DVD on this topic. The titles included are as follows:
Electroplating of Particular Metals:/font>
A New Method
for Composition Control in Electroplating with Brass,
by J. Ziegler, 1920, 53 pages
A Practical Guide for the Gold & Silver Electroplater,
by W. H. Wahl, 1883, 710 pages
Accelerated Tests of Nickel & Chromium Plating on Steel,
by P. W. Strausser et al, US
Dep. of Commerce, 1934, 10 pages
Electrolysis - Nickeling, Coppering, Gilding, Silvering,
by H. Fontaine, 1885, 298 pages
Electro-Plating With Cobalt,
by H. Kalmus, 1915, 109 pages
The Art of Gold, Silver, Nickel & Copper Plating Made Easy,
by W. Lowey, 1878, 63 pages
The Composition And Comparison Of Zinc Electroplating Solutions,
by J. Pyron, 1917, 45 pages
The Electrodeposition of Brass from Cyanide Solutions,
by E. G. Sturdevant, 1920, 45 pages
The Electrodeposition of Iron,
by W. E. Hughes, 1923, 123
The Electrodeposition of Nickel,
by L. D. Hammond, 1916, 35
The Silver Plater's Handbook,
by T. V. Harper, 1883, 101
Throwing Power in Chromium Plating,
by H. L. Farmer & W.
Blum, US Dep. of Commerce, 1929, 33 pages
Electroplating Solutions:
Analysis of Cyanide Silver-Plating Solutions,
by R. M. Wick, US Dep. of Commerce, 1931, 27 pages
Black Nickel Plating Solutions,
by G. B. Hogaboom et al, 1921, 8
Zinc Cyanide Plating Solutions,
by W. Blum et al, 1921, 21
A Manual of
Electrometallurgy, J.
Napier, 1860, 184 pages
A Treatise on Electro-Metallurgy, Embracing the Application of
Electrolysis, by W.
McMillan, 1891, 405 pages
Contribution Towards A History Of Electro-Metallurgy,
by H. Dircks, 1863, 133 pages
Electrometallurgy Practically Treated,
A. Watt, 1883, 315 pages
Electrometallurgy, J. R. C.
Kershaw, 1908, 336 pages
Elements of Electrometallurgy,
A. Smee, 1843, 375 pages
Industrial Electrometallurgy, Including Electrolytic and Electrothermal
Processes, by E. Rideal,
1918, 304 pages
The Art of Electrometallurgy,
G. Gore, 1887, 425 pages
The Electro-Metallurgy of Steel,
by C.C. Gow, 1922, 399
The Electro-Platers Handbook, A Practical Manual for Amateurs and
Students in Electrometallurgy,
by G.E. Bonney, 1905, 260 pages
The Practical Metal-Worker's Assistant with the Application of the Art
of Electrometallurgy, by O.
Byrne, 1864, 678 pages
Electroplating Books:
A Complete Treatise
on the Electrodeposition of Metals,
by G. Langbein & W. T. Brannt, 1894, 504
A Practical Handbook of Electroplating,
by A. Trevert, 1891, 92 pages
Electro-Deposition of Metals,
by G. Langbein, 1924, 883 pages
Electrodeposition, A Practical Treatise,
by A. Watt, 1889, 686 pages
Electroplating & Analysis of Solutions,
by H. H. Reama, 1913, 115 pages
Electroplating, by H. R.
Reetz, 1911, 115 pages
Electroplating, by P. N.
Hasluck, 1905, 168 pages
Electro-Typing, A Guide of Electro-Deposition of Metals,
by J. Urquhart, 1881, 263 pages
Jeweler's Handbook - Galvanizing, Electroplating & Coloring,
by R. Herr, 1855, 115 pages
Modern Electroplating, by
J. H. Van Horne, 1897, 203 pages
Practical Electroplating,
by W. L. D. Bedell, 1912, 254 pages
Practical Electroplating, with Notes on Ancient & Modern Gilding,
by M. Bruno, 1894, 321 pages
Practical Plating & Polishing,
by Zucker & Levet, 1897, 119 pages
The Art of Electrolytic Separation of Metals,
by G. Gore, 1894, 325 pages
The Cleaning & Electroplating of Metals,
by H. H. Reama, 1921, 136 pages
The Electroplaters' Handbook,
by G. E. Bonney, 1905, 255 pages
The Electroplaters' Handbook,
by J. H. Weston, 1915, 196 pages
The Electroplating & Electrorefining of Metals,
by A. Philip, 1902, 776 pages
The Modern Electroplater,
by G. M. Goggeshall, 1920, 324 pages
The Polishing & Plating of Metals,
by H. J. Hawkings, 1904, 373 pages
The Practical Electroplater,
by M. Brunor, 1894, 320 pages
The Theory & Practice of Electrodeposition,
by G. Gore, 1888, 154 pages
Reference Books:
A Radiochemical Study of Electroplating,
by R. Reinhart, 1958, 58 pages
Electrolitic & Electroengraving,
by W. Pfanhauser, 1906, 180 pages
Electro-Typing - A Practical Manual,
by J. W. Urquhart, 1881, 263 pages
Experimental Plating of Gun Bores to Retard Erosion,
by V. A. Lamb & J. P Young, US Dep. of Commerce, 1960, 108 pages
Processing & Plating Electrical Coils,
AMC, NASA 1972, 9 pages
Protective Value of Nickel & Chromium Plating of Steel,
by W. Blum et al, US Dep. of Commerce, 1934, 33 pages |