Decorative Metal Working CD
Work in Metal
Books on all decorative metal working topics, such as:
Art Metalwork, Embossing, Chasing, Hammering,
Saw Piercing, Repousse, Metal Gilding and Coloring
on CD.
The best
Artistic Metal
Collection on one easy to use CD!
Neatly organized books, by topics as shown, on CD.

All books are in PDF
format, for easy searching and printing
This is a collection of books and publications
on disk that cover the topic of artistic metal working. This disk is
remains the best selling reference collection ever put together on one
CD on this topic. The titles included are as follows:
Art Metalwork:
Art Metal
Work with Inexpensive Equipment,
by A. F. Payne, 1914, 195 pages
Copper Work,
by A. F. Rose, 1906, 124
Elementary Metal Work,
by C. G. Leland, 1894, 133
Metalworking - Tools, Materials & Processes,
by P. N. Hasluck, 1904, 766
Ornamental Iron Work,
1890 article, 2 pages
Repoussé Metalwork,
by A. Horth, 1905, 154
Silverwork & Jewelry,
by H. Wilson, 1912, 537
Embossing, Chasing, Hammering, Saw Piercing,
A Manual of Practical Instruction in the Art of Brass Repoussé,
by T. G. & W. E. Gawthorp, 1907,
120 pages
Brass Hammering & Repoussé Work, Practical Worker, Parts I,
1890, 2 page article
Brass Hammering & Repoussé Work, Practical Worker, Parts II,
1890, 2 page article
Brass Hammering & Repoussé Work, Practical Worker, Parts III,
1890, 2 page article
Brass Repoussé Work - Book of Instructions,
by M. Amelie, 1755, 31
Engraving Metals, by
P.Hasluck, 1912, 157 pages
Hand Forging, Wrought Iron Ornamental Hand Forging, Wrought Iron
Ornamental Work & Embossing,
by T. F. Googerty, 1911,
202 pages
Repoussé Work for Amateurs,
by L. L. Haslope, 1887, 154
Repousse Work, 1887
Article, 1 page
Repousse Work,
1892 Article, 2 pages
Repousse Work, 1894
Article, 1 page
Repoussé Work, by C. G.
Leland, 1883, 20 pages
Reproduction of Illustrations of Ornamental Metal-Work,
by M. Jouse, (french),
1889, 50 pages
The Decoration of Metals - Chasing, Repoussé & Saw-Piercing,
by J. Harrison, 1904,
166 pages
Metal Gilding and
Coloring & Finishing,
Industrial Press, 1914, 44 pages
Metal-Colouring and Bronzing,
by A.L Hiorns, 1892, 355 pages
Practical Electroplating, with Notes on Ancient & Modern Gilding,
by M. Bruno, 1894, 321 pages |