First Radio Transmission to Mars News |
Morris K. Jessup on Science |
Disc over Cuba - Fred Bates |
R. Ryan & Co-Pilot John Neff |
Battle of L.A. - Ray Angler ARW |
Lake Wells, FL Pilot Case - Dave Hull |
Foo Fighter Encounter - Maj. Ray Sabinski |
Canadian Editorial on Project Blue Book |
James V. Forrestal Voice Sample |
John Otto Signals from Space |
Japanese Balloon Bomb Recollection |
UFO Information Service 10 Yr Bulletin |
USN RadarVisual Case - Carl Baggett |
Dr. Fontes - Antonio Villas - Boas CE - lV |
Ghost Rockets - Sven Ahman |
Leveland, TX Case - CBS News Report |
RadarVisual UK - Paul Harvey News |
News on Dr. J. Allen Hynek & Sputnik ll |
Kenneth Arnold Case |
Everrettsville, PA CE-lll - John Trasco |
Glenn Falls, NY Case - Louis Stebbens |
Gray Barker Radio Show |
Oakridge, TN Case - Ernest Bremmett |
Trindade Isle Case - Almiro Barauna |
Prof. A. M. Lowe UK on Flying Discs |
Richard Horner Asst. Dir. AFRD |
Kyle Walker Advertisement News Report |
Irving Tunik on LJN - Keyhoe Censorship |
Youngstown, OH News Report |
Arthur C. Clarke on Flying Saucers - LJN |
ABC Hdln Ed. News - AAFRoswell Disc |
Keyhoe Interviewed by Mike Wallace |
WOR News - Roswell DiscBalloon |
CSI - NY Meeting - Ted Bloecher |
Monroe Manning - $1K Bet on Flying Discs |
Jackie Gleason on Flying Saucers - LJN |
Take It or Leave It Show |
Maj. Lawrence Tacker on Flying Saucers |
Flying Disc News from Turkey |
CSI-NY - Isabel Davis on Contactees |
Lockbourne AB Case - Jack Pickett ATC |
Dr. Wiley Ley on UFOs at CSI-NY Meeting |
Douglas Gorley Case |
Gray Barker and Long John Nebel Phone
Conversation |
Charles Zimmerman - XF5U-1 and V-173 |
Long John Nebel on Martians |
Las Cruces, NM Case - Clyde Tombaugh |
Lt. Col. Robert Friend 3rd Blue Book Director |
Arrey, NM Case - Charles B. Moore, Jr. |
US Censorship of UFO Information. Part 1 |
Maj. Gen. Wm. F. McKee - Project Saucer |
US Censorship of UFO Information. Part 2 |
Truman Denies Knowledge of Flying Saucers |
US Censorship of UFO Information. Part 3 |
Glenn Bernie, MD Case - Cauldwell Disc |
US Censorship of UFO Information. Part 4 |
Clearfield, PA CE-II - Dr. Craig Hunter |
Capt. Peter Killian American Airlines |
Farmington, NM Case - Dr. Wiley Ley |
Papaua, New Guinea CE-lll - Fr. Wm. Gill |
Farmington, NM Case - Frank Scully |
Redmonds, OR CE-ll - News Interviews |
McMinnville, OR Case - Mrs. Paul Trent |
Borderland Sciences - Wiley Crabb on UFOs |
American Airlines CE-lll - Capt. Willis Sperry |
Waveney Girvan on Flying Saucers |
Project Magnet - Wilbert B. Smith |
Albert K. Bender - FSIB and MIB |
2000+ OTR The Flying Saucer |
APRO - Coral Lorenzen on Flying Saucers |
Dr. Bob Richardson Mt. Palomar- Flying Saucers |
Brig. Gen. Thomas DuBose on Roswell Cover-up |
Jay Glick on San Juan Puerto Rico Case |
Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt 1st Director of Blue
Book |
Wash. National Case - Albert Chop |
Carlos Migue Allende - Philadelphia Experiment |
James Ritchie CAA |
CWO Delbert W. Newhouse on Tremonton Film |
Flatwoods Monster -- Dr. Ivan Sanderson |
Dr. Hynek Admits Roswell Case is True to Zeidman |
William Squyres CE-lll Pittsburg, KS |
Dr. J. Allen Hynek Debunks Flying Saucers |
Keyhoe Leonard Debate - Town Meeting |
Estimate of the Situation - Dr. George E.
Valley, Jr. |
Robertson Panel - Dr. J. Allen Hynek |
Estimate of the Situation - Maj. Dewey Fournet |
Robertson Panel - Dr. Lloyd Berkner |
Lt. Col. Althasan Spilhaus AFSRDB on Flying
Discs |
Capt. Linton Blow Case - Lakeland Airways |
Maj. Gen. John Samford - USAF Press Conf. |
BOAC Case - Capt. James Howard |
Maj. Jesse Marcel, Sr. on Roswell Flying Disc |
BOAC Case - Daphne Webster |
Project Magnet - Bob Beck to Maj. Keyhoe |
Lord Hugh Dowding on Flying Saucers |
Steven Schiff on Roswell Cover-up |
Madagascar Case - Edmond Carpaunac |
Walter Haut Recollects AAF Cover-up at Roswell |
Ground Observer Corps Radio Ad |
Wilbert B. Smith on USAF Secrecy |
Windshield Pitting Case - Portland, OR News |