The ULTIMATE Bookbinding
Reference Library
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Collection on one easy to use DVD!
Neatly organized books, titles as shown, on DVD.
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Bookbinding is the process of physically assembling a
book from a number of folded or unfolded sheets of paper or other
material. It usually involves attaching a book cover to the resulting
text-block. Before the computer age, the bookbinding trade involved two
First, there is stationery or vellum binding which deals with making new
books intended to be written into, such as accounting ledgers, business
journals, and guest log books, along with other general office
stationery such as note books, manifold books, portfolios, and etc.
Second is letterpress binding which deals with making new books intended
to be read from and includes fine binding, library binding, edition
binding, and publisher's bindings. A result of the new bindings is
a third division dealing with the repair, restoration, and conservation
of old used bindings. With the digital age, personal computers have
replaced the pen and paper based accounting that used to drive most of
the work in stationery binding. Today, modern bookbinding is divided
between hand binding by individual craftsmen versus mass-produced
bindings by high speed machines in a bindery factory.
This is a collection of
vintage Bookbinding Books, for a total of 94 books on DVD. Various topics are
covered in these vintage bookbinding books. Topics discussed
including classic methods of repair and restoration, as well as the
origin of books. This is a must have item for anyone interested in
book restoration and repair.
The list of titles, along with author, date of publication, and page
count, that are
included is as follows:
A Bibliography of
1892, By S. T. Prideaux, 67 pages |
A collection of
excessively rare books, letters and illuminated manuscripts
(1909), by Sir
Philippe Sidnel, 253 pages |
A Guide to The
Exhibition in The King’s Library Illustrating The History of
Printing, Music-Printing and Bookbinding,
1913, By Order of the Trustees, 184 pages |
A guide to the
manuscripts, autographs, charters, seals, illuminations and
bindings exhibited in the Department of manuscripts and in the
Grenville library.
With thirty plates (1906), 384 pages |
A History of the
Art of Bookbinding With Some Account of The Books of the
1894, By W. Salt
Brassington, 331 pages |
A Lecture on
Bookbinding as a Fine Art,
1886, By Robert Hoe, 179 pages |
A Note on
Bookbinding With Extracts From the Special Report of The Society
of Arts on Leather for Bookbinding, 1904,
By Douglas
Cockerell, 44 pages |
A Short Historical
Sketch of The Art of Bookbinding,
W. Andrews, 1895, 57 pages |
A Short History of
Bookbinding and a Glossary of Styles and Terms Used in Binding
With a Brief Account of the Celebrated Binders and Patrons of
Bookbinding From Whom the Various Styles are Named, Description
of Leathers, etc.,
1895, By J. Zaehnsdorf, 46 pages |
A Syllabus of a
Course on Elementary Bookmaking and Bookbinding,
1910, By S. J. Freeman, 41 pages |
An Essay in
Bookbinding as an Art with Some Suggestions to Collectors,
1886, By Bancroft & Company, 15 pages |
An Historical
Sketch of Bookbinding,
1893, By S.T.
Prideaux, 316 pages |
Bibliopegia; or the
Art of Bookbinding, Illustrated with engravings,
1848, By John Hannett, 191 pages |
Bib-li-op-e-gis-tic (pertaining
to the art of binding books.--Dibdin)
(1910), by the
Trow Press, 27 pages |
Binding For
1915, By The A.L.A Committee on Bookbinding, 20 pages |
Book Mending
Materials and Other Library Supplies,
by H.R. Huntting Co., 1927, 38 pages |
Book of Type
Specimens, 1907
By Barnhart Bros.
& Spindler – 1,053 pages |
Book Repair and
Restoration A Manual of Practical Suggestions for Bibliophilie,
1918, By Mitchell S. Buck, 143 pages |
Bookbinders and
Their Craft,
1903, By S.T. Prideaux, 315 pages |
Bookbinding and its
Auxiliary Branches Part 1 Paper Ruling,
1914, By John J. Pleger, 88 pages |
Bookbinding and its
Auxiliary Branches Part 2 Punching, Crimping, Eyeletting,
Pamphlet, and Quarter Binding,
1914, By John J. Pleger, 132 pages |
Bookbinding and its
Auxiliary Branches Part 3 Blank, Edition and Job Forwarding,
Finishing and Stamping,
1914, By John J. Pleger, 293 pages |
Bookbinding and Its
Auxiliary Branches Part 4 Gilt Edging, Goffered Edging,
Marbling, Hand Tooling and the Care of Books,
1914, By John J.
Pleger, 110 pages |
Bookbinding as a
Handwork Subject Being a Full Explanation of how Books can be
Bound With Simple Apparatus in a School Classroom,
By J.
Halliday, 1915, 79 pages |
Bookbinding Fine
Art Mechanical Art and Manufacture ,
by H. Wheatley, 1882, 58 pages |
Bookbinding for
Amateurs Being Description of The Various Tools and Appliances
Required and Minute Instructions for Their Effective Use,
By W. J. E. Crane, 1885, 225 pages |
Bookbinding for
By Florence O.
Bean & John C. Brodhead, 1918, 106 pages |
Bookbinding for
Bibliophiles Being Notes on Some Technical Features of the Well
Bound Book for the Aid of Connoisseurs,
By Fletcher
Battershall, 1905, 148 pages |
Bookbinding in
England and France,
By W. Y. Fletcher,
1897, 179 pages |
Bookbinding in
France, 1894,
By William Fletcher, 113 pages |
Bookbinding With
Numerous Engravings and Diagrams,
By Paul N. Hasluck,
1907, 163 pages |
Bookbinding, and
the Care of Books A Handbook for Amateurs Bookbinders &
By Douglas
Cockerell, 1920, 356 pages |
Bookbindings, old
and new; notes of a book-lover, with an account of the Grolier
Club, New York
by B. Matthews (1896), 363 pages |
Catalogue of an
exhibition of nineteenth century bookbindings (1898),
by the Caston
Club, 144 pages |
Catalogue of
beautiful books richly bound offered for sale by George D.
New York (1918), 122 pages |
Catalogue of
Ornamental Leather Bookbinding Executed in America Prior to
By The Grolier
Club, 1907, 128 pages |
Catalogue of the
magnificent private library of the late Amor L. Hollingsworth of
Milton, Mass. many in sumptuous bindings by the finest binders
in the world
(1910), 465 pages |
Catalogue Raisonnee
Works on Bookbinding Practical and Historical Examples of
Booking of the XVIth to XIXth Centuries,
By Columbia
University Library, 1903, 124 pages |
Bookbinding A Description of the Processes and the Various
Machines Used,
By Geo. A. Stephen, 1910, 84 pages |
Convenient book of
specimens. Franklin type foundry
(1889), by Allison & Smith, 453
pages |
Bookbinder’s Manual Containing a Full Description of Leather and
Vellum Binding; Directions for Gilding of Paper and Book-Edges;
and Numerous Valuable Recipes for Sprinkling, Coloring, and
Marbling; Together with a Scale of Bookbinder Charges; A List of
all the Book and Vellum Binders in London,
By William
Strange, 1860, 149 pages |
Early America
Bookbinding and Kindred Subjects,
by W.
Andrews, 1902, 28 pages |
Early Oxford
bindings by S.
Gibson (1903), 161 pages |
Encyclopedia of
Literary and Typographical Anecdote,
By C. H. Timperley,
1842, 1,160 pages |
English Embroidered
By Cyril
Davenport, 1899, 261 pages |
Example of the Art
of Book-Binding,
By Bernard
Quaritch, 1897, 219 pages |
Examples of
1920, By Robt Riviere, 107 pages |
Exhibition of
Silver Embroidered and Curious Bookbindings,
By The Grolier
Club of the City of New York, 1903, 102 pages |
Folious appearances
- A consideration on our ways of lettering books
by J. Tupling (1854), 31
pages |
Historic bindings
in the Bodleian library, Oxford; with reproductions of
twenty-four of the finest bindings
by W. Brassington (1891), 208 pages |
Historical Essay on
the Art of Bookbinding,
By H. P.
Du Bois, 1883, 50 pages |
Leather For
By E. Wyndham
Hulme, J. Gordon Parker, A. Seymour-Jones, Cyril Davenport and
F.J. Williamson, 1905, 81 pages |
Library binding
manual by L.
Feipel (1951), 91 pages |
By Arthur L.
Bailey, 1916, 259 pages |
List of
manuscripts, printed books and examples of bookbinding exhibited
to the American librarians on the occasion of their visit to
Haigh Hall
(1897), 88 pages |
Manual of Library
Bookbinding Practical and Historical,
By Henry T. Coutts, 1911, 312 pages |
Mending and Repair
of Books,
by M. Brown, 1916,
28 pages |
Modern Book
Bindings & Their Designers,
By E. Wood, 1900,
116 pages |
Modern Bookbinding,
By William Matthews, 1889, 118 pages |
Modern Bookbindings
Their Design and Decoration,
By S.T. Prideaux,
1906, 221 pages |
Notes on
Bookbinding for Libraries,
By John Cotton
Dana, 1910, 184 pages |
One hundred and
eighty-eight manuscripts, bindings, books, and autograph letters
including the magnificent Calvillo Pontifical written and
illuminated in Spain
(1365-1370) (1922), 213 pages |
Papers on
By William C.
Hollands, 1922, 70 pages |
bibliography of bookbinding
by M. Bridgman (1901), 112 pages |
Bookbinding A Text-book intended for those who take up the Art
of Bookbinding, and designed to give sufficient help to enable
handy persons to Bind their Books and Periodicals,
By W.B. Pearce, 1908, 140 pages |
By Paul Adam,
1903, 230 pages |
Printing and
Bookbinding for Schools,
By S. J. Vaugn,
1912, 160 pages |
Printing And
Writing Materials, Their Evolution,
By A. Smith, 1901,
301 pages |
Remarkable bindings
in the British Museum, selected for their beauty or historic
interest by H.
Wheatley (1889), 289 pages |
Report of the
Committee on Leather For Bookbinding,
By The Rt. Hon.
Viscount Cobhan & Sir Henry Trueman Wood, 1905, 139 pages |
Royal English
By Cyril
Davenport, 1896, 109 pages |
Specimens of Book
Types Printing and Bookbinding,
1902, 204 pages |
Specimens of
Linotype, Monotype, and Hand Type in use in the Book Composing
Room of the Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Company,
By Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Company, 1905, 206
pages |
The Art of
Bookbinding A Practical Treatise,
By Joseph W.
Zaehnsdorf, 1890, 259 pages |
The Art of
Book-Binding its Rise and Progress,
1850, 59
pages |
The art of the
book; a review of some recent European and American work in
typography, page decoration & binding
by C. Holme (1914), 298 pages |
The Binding of
Books An Essay in the History of Gold-Tooled Buildings,
By Herbert P. Horne, 269 pages |
The Book Its
Printers, Illustrators, and Binders, From Gutennberg to the
Present Time,
By Henry Bouchot,
1890, 405 pages |
The Book, Its
History And Development,
By C. Davenport,
1907, 281 pages |
The Bookbinders
Manual A Full Description of Leather and Vellum Binding,
Cowie, 1860, 149 pages |
The catalogue of
books from the libraries or collections of celebrated
bibliophiles and illustrious persons of the past, with arms or
devices upon the bindings
(1895), 155
pages |
The earliest
Cambridge stationers & bookbinders, and the first Cambridge
by G. Gray (1904), 160
pages |
The Hand-Book of
Taste in Bookbinding,
By E. Churton,
1800, 42 pages |
The Making Of A
by Methodist Book
Concern, 1915, 39 pages |
The Printed Book,
By Harry G. Aldis, 1916, 186 pages |
The Printer’s
Dictionary of Technical Terms,
By A.A. Stewart,
1912, 389 pages |
The Printers’
Handbook of Trade Recipes, Hints, and Suggestions Relating to
Letterpress and Lithographic Printing Bookbinding, Stationery
Engaving, etc.,
By Charles Thomas
Jacobi, 1891, 384 pages |
The Spencer
Collection of Modern Book Bindings,
By W. Eames, 1914,
55 pages |
Women in the
Bookbinding Trade,
By Mary Van Kleeck,
1913, 326 pages |
Works on
Bookbinding, Practical and Historical Examples of Bookbindings,
By Columbia University, 1903, 115 pages |