Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship Training and Reference DVD
Videos and
Vintage Books
and proper shooting, self defense, ballistics,
rifle and pistol marksmanship, vintage rifle and pistol manuals, and
8 hours
of classic government instructional videos.
marksmanship reference collection on
one data DVD ever put together!
collection includes video in .mp4 format. This is a
data DVD can be played in any computer. It cannot be
played in a DVD player attached to your TV.
All books are in PDF
format, for easy searching and printing
This is a collection of
books, instructional manuals, instructional guides and publications
specifically geared towards marksmanship. Whether you are
interested in improving your pistol shooting skills or rifle shooting
skills, these back to basics publications may be of interest to you.
Most have been published by the US Gov't, but not all. Also
included is a vast video collection, all in .mp4 format. The
following titles are all included on this DVD:
Ballistics Books
A Course in Exterior Ballistics, Ordnance Textbook, 1921, US Army
Bullet Trap Feasability Assessment, Department of the Army
Handbook of ballistics, translated from the second German edition, by C
Cranz, 1921
Instruments for Calculating Mortar Firing Data, Canadian National
Internal Ballistics, by J Longridge, 1889
Notes on Ballistics, US Artillary, 1915
The Bullets Flight, by F Mann, 1909
Pistol Marksmanship Books
Army Combat Pistol Scorecard
Combat Training with Pistols, M9 and M11, US Army
Marines Pistol Marksmanship
Marines Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship Training, 1935
US Army Combat Training with Pistols, M9,M11
US Army Combat Training-Pistols & Revolvers
US Army Pistol Marksmanship Training Guide
Rifle Marksmanship Books
Adequacy of M16A1 Rifle Performance and Its Implications for
Marksmanship Training
American Enfield M1917 Marksmanship
Army Basic Rifle Marksmanship - Coaches Checklist
Army Principles of Quick Kill - Rifle Marksmanship Training Text
Army Rifle M16A1, 2, 3 4, and M4 Carbine Basic Marksmanship
Army Rifle Marksmanship
Army Statistical Measures of Marksmanship
Comparison Test Of Rifle, 5.56-MM, M16
Correlation of Breech Erosion Gage to Accuracy for M16A1 Rifle
How to Shoot 1917
How To Shoot the M1 Garand US Rifle
Identifying Ammunition Course by the US Army
Learn How to Zero an M16A2 Rifle, US Army
M1 Garand Rifle Technical Manual
Marine Corps Rifle Marksmanship
Marine Rifle Company Platoon
Marine Rifle Squad
Rifle Field Manual 7.62mm, M14 and M14E2
Rifle Field Manual for 5.56-MM, XM16E1
Rifle Marksmanship with the M14 M14A1
Rifle Marksmanship with the M16-M4-Series Rifles
The Guidebook to Rifle Marksmanship
Trainers Guide To Successful Marksmanship in the US Army
U. S. Marine Corps score book, A Rifleman's instructor
US Army 90mm Recoilless Rifle M67
US Army International Rifle Marksmanship Guide
US Army M16A1 Rifle and .45 Cal Pistol Marksmanship Training Evaluation
US Army, How to Shoot Your M-16 AR15
Shooting Instruction Books
Guns, Ammunition & Tackle, 1904
Rifles & Ammunition & Rifle Shooting, 1915
Shooting Straight by the US Army Research Institute
Shooting to Live, by the US Military
Sniper Training Publications
Sniper - British Sniper Training
Sniper - How to Construct Ghillie Suits
Sniper Ballistic Tables
Sniper Marksmanship Training Techniques
Sniper Personal Kit and Equipment
Sniper Positions - Select, Occupation, Construct
Sniper Positions
Sniper Techniques, Reading A Mirage
Sniper,Countersniper Tactics,Techniques
US Army Counter Sniper Guide
US Army M21 Sniper Weapon System
US Army Primary Sniper Weapons of the World
US Army Sniper Sustainment Training
US Army Sniper Training & Employment
US Army Sniper Training
US Army Sniper Weapon Fire Control Error Analysis
US Marine Corp Sniper - From Fellow Snipers and Shooters
US Marine Corp Sniping Manual
US Navy Seal Sniper Training Syllabus
General Interest History Books
Camouflage, Concealment and Decoy, Dept of the Army
Combat Practice Firing, Armored Force Units US Army
Combat Skills of the Soldier, Dept of the Army
Course of Instruction for Artillery Gunners, by A Murray, 1893
Hints to Riflemen, by H Cleveland, 1864
History of Innovation, Dept of the Army
Improvised Munitions Handbook, Dept of the Army
Kill or Get Killed, Marine Self Defense Manual
Rifles and Rifle Practice, by C Wilcox, 1859
Rifles and Shotguns, by W Miller, 1917
The Modern Rifle, by J Bevis, 1917
Videos, in .mp4 format, over 8 hours total!
30 M1 - Principles of Operation - Total run time =
Firearms - An Introduction - Total run time = 17:40
Firearms Examination - Total run time = 7:25
Fundamentals Of Ballistics - 1948 United States Army Educational
Documentary - Total run time = 18:02
German Snipers Field Training - Total run time = 1:08:21
Handguns - Combat Firing - Total run time = 16:36
How a Rifle Works - M1 Garand - Enhanced US Army Training Film
- Total run time = 14:48
How to Shoot the M1 Garand Rifle - Proper Trigger Squeeze - Army
Training Movie - Total run time = 19:44
How to Shoot the M1 Garand Rifle - Rapid Fire - Army Training Movie
- Total run time = 28:15
How to Shoot the M1 Garand Rifle - Shooting Positions - Army Training
Video - Total run time = 28:13
M14 Rifle Operation - Total run time = 27:24
Musketry & Combat Practice Firing - Total run time =
Rifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle (1942) - Total run
time = 2:13:24
Terminal Effects of Projectiles from Antique and Modern Firearms in
Ordnance - Total run time = 20:58
The Rifle - USMC Training Film - Total run time = 21:58
XM16E1 Rifle Operation - Total run time = 19:50
Pistol Manuals for most common
pistols as shown:
9mm Browning High Power Automatic Pistol
9mm M9 Pistol Use & Maintenance
Armscor 1911 Pistol
Armscor 1911MS Pistol
Auto-Ordnance 1911PKZ, T1911, 1911WGS, 1911C
Century Sam 1911
Charles Daly 1911-A1 Pistol Cal .45 ACP
Colt WWI Reproduction M1911
Colt WWII Reproduction M1911A1
Dan Wesson 1911
Ed Brown 1911 Pistol
Kimber 1911
M9 9mm Pistol Maintenance
Mech-Tech 1911ccu
Mitchell Gold Series 1911
Nighthawk 1911
Norinco 1911a1
Rock Island 1911a1
Sig Sauer 1911-22
Sigarms GSR 1911
Smith&Wesson 1911
Smith&Wesson M10 Revolver Army Manual
Smith&Wesson M10 Revolver
Springfield 1911-A1 Pistols
Springfield 1911-A2_sass
STI 1911
Rifle Manuals for most common
rifles as shown:
AR15, Car15, M16 Rifle Manual
Bushmaster M17S Bulpup Manual
Bushmaster XM15 Operators Manual
Colt M16A2
Enfield - 30 Cal US 1917
Enfield - American - M1917 Marksmanship
Enfield - British- Lee-EnfieldRifle No 1 MkII, No 3 MkI, No 4 MkI, No 5
Enfield - History of the American Enfield Rifle
Enfield - History of the British Enfield Rifle (Lee-Enfield)
Enfield Rifle .22 No 8 MkI
Enfield Rifle No 1 MkIII Bolt Disassembly & Reassembly
Enfield Rifle No 1 MkIII Disassembly & Reassembly
Enfield Rifle No 4 Bolt Disassembly & Reassembly
Enfield Rifle No 4 Disassembly & Reassembly
Garand M1 Rifle
M1 Carbine
M1 Garand Operation and Maintenance Guide
M1 US Rifle Garand Disassembly & Assembly
M1 US Rifle Garand
M1, M2, Remington 513T, Stevens 416-2, Winchester M75 Rifles Cal .22
M13, Remington M513T, Stevens M416-2T, Winchester M75T Rifles Cal. 22
M14 & M14A1 Rifles & M2 Bipod Maintenance
M14 & M14A1 Rifles & M2 Bipod Repair
M14 & M14E2 Rifle
M14 Rifle Accurization
M14 WE, M14 A1 WE Rifle , M2 Bipod Rifle
M14, M14A, M2 Bipod, Rifle
M16 & M16A1 Rifle
M16 and M16A1 Rifles Maint and Op
M16 Rifle Maintenance and Op
M16 Rifle Manual
M16A1 Armorer's Manual - Colt CM102
M16A1 Rifle Cartoon Manual
M16A1 Rifle Operator's Manual
M16A2 5.56mm Rifle
M16A2 Rifle
M16A2 WE Rifle & M4 WE Carbine
U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1