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The History of Beer, Brewing, and Alcohol Advertising

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Beer is the world's oldest and most popular alcoholic beverage. This DVD aims to explore our culture around beer, and the manufacture of.




A History and Tribute


An original production published by The Classic Archives!

As a wise man once said, "Mmmmmm, Beer, it's nature's fruit juice."

Beer is the world's oldest and most popular alcoholic beverage. Some of the earliest known writing refers to the production and distribution of beer.  It is produced by the fermentation of sugars derived from starch-based material — the most common being malted barley; however, wheat, corn, and rice are also widely used, usually in conjunction with barley. Less widely used starch sources include millet, sorghum and cassava root in Africa, potato in Brazil, and agave in Mexico, among others.

This DVD aims to explore our culture around beer, and the manufacture of.  You will see films about underage drinking, about the brewing process, some advertisement examples, and some of the dangers of drinking and driving.  A good overall overview of beer's place in our society.  A must have for any beer lover!

This DVD runs about 2 hours and has a fully interactive menu.  A list of films is as follows:

A Case for Beer

A cautionary film for convenience store owners about underage alcohol sales.  Watch teenagers try to sneak some beer, and what the clerks need to be wary of.

Sound, Color, 10:01

Beer History films movie download 1 A Case for Beer Beer History films movie download 2 Beer History films movie download 3

As We Like It (ca. 1952)

Beer promotional film. "Sparkling, golden, pure, refreshing, a beverage as old as history."

Sound, Color,10:12

Beer History films movie download 4 As We Like It (ca. 1952) Beer History films movie download 5 Beer History films movie download 6

Fatal Glass of Beer (1933)

Mr. Snavely, a Yukon prospector, lost his only son years ago to the temptations of the big city; now the prodigal Chester, released from prison, comes home to Ma and Pa. A parody of Yukon melodrama; includes the famous looking-out-the-door routine.

Sound, B&W,18:27

Beer History films movie download 7 Fatal Glass of Beer (1933) Beer History films movie download 8 Beer History films movie download 9

For Good Living (Brown Derby Beer Promo) (ca. 1937)

Sales promotional film for Brown Derby beer, a house brand of Safeway Stores; shows the brewing process.

Sound, B&W, 18:58

Beer History films movie download 10 For Good Living (Brown Derby Beer Promo) (ca. 1937) Beer History films movie download 11 Beer History films movie download 12

Help Yourself (1939)

A promotional film made for Pabst Brewing Company distributors.

Sound, B&W, 17:29

Beer History films movie download 13 Help Yourself (1939) Beer History films movie download 14 Beer History films movie download 15

Labatts Beer Promo

Short television commercial for Labatt's beer.

Sound, Color, 0:20

Beer History films movie download 16 Labatts Beer Promo Beer History films movie download 17 Beer History films movie download 18

Measure of a Man (1962)

How to say no to the temptation of drinking.

Sound, Color, 22:02

Beer History films movie download 19 Measure of a Man (1962) Beer History films movie download 20 Beer History films movie download 21

The Bottle and the Throttle (1961)

Reveals the dangers of drinking and then driving. Shatters the myth which says you have to be drunk before your driving ability is materially impaired. Incorporates statistics compiled by the National Safety Council and American Medical Association.

Sound, B&W, 10:21

Beer History films movie download 22 The Bottle and the Throttle (1961) Beer History films movie download 23 Beer History films movie download 24

DVD Menu Sampler:

 Beer History films movie download 25

  • Model: DVD-TCA-J49

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