While the turret lathe is
essentially a tool for the production of work in large
quantities, a 6-in. lathe of the type described in this
article will be found exceedingly useful in the small
experimental shop. With a center held in the main turret,
the machine may be used as a simple engine lathe, and when a
number of similar pieces are to be turned out in a hurry the
work may be performed in almost as expeditious a manner as
on a commercial turret lathe.
This machine was built and used by the author in his own
workshop, on fine precision work, and many accurate jobs
have been done with it very quickly. Most of the work of
building can be done in a workshop equipped only with a vise
and bench drill, with the necessary small tools, as flat
cold-rolled steel is used for the ways, carriage, and other
parts of that character.
This workshop tool plan contains
detailed step by step instructions with illustrations on how to complete
this project.
This workshop wood or tooling do it
yourself plan can be downloaded
immediately after purchase. If you have any questions about how
the download process works, please visit our
download help page. This
particular wood or tool instructional plan is also included in our as part of our
workshop wood plan package. If you purchase our complete
plan package, you will find this plan as part of that set. This
plan is intended to give our customers a preview of the workshop plan
package before they purchase it. Many of these plans are in
instructional format or article format, but they all accomplish their
goal of explaining to the user on how to successfully build the project
Our Wood Plans
and Tooling Plans can be immediately downloaded after
purchase. All plans are in PDF format.