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Scientific American (informally abbreviated SciAm) is a popular science magazine. Each book... |
CA-F38-4 |
This DVD-ROM disk contains a unique collection of historic books chronicling the migration of... |
CA-E69 |
Camera Work was a quarterly photographic journal published by Alfred Stieglitz from 1903 to 1917. ... |
CA-D06 |
The Birth Control Review was a lay magazine established and edited by Margaret Sanger in 1917,... |
CA-E50 |
The Review was a journal of import and interest to Catholic education published ten times a year... |
CA-E49 |
The original title of the journal was The Crisis: A Record of The Darker Races. From 1997 to 2003,... |
CA-D09 |
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, known unofficially as the... |
CA-F09 |
Learn the basics of applying makeup, whether its classic, or new age, whatever your tastes are,... |
CA-B51 |
Our newest edition to our Britannica collection is this 3rd edition DVD. Originally published in... |
CA-V17 |
This great collection on 1 DVD contains 105 books that will teach you everything you want to know... |
CA-E45 |
If you have an old Model T you are restoring, this CD is invaluable. Each book is in high... |
CA-V48 |
There's nothing like looking through old department store catalogs such as these. Before the... |
CA-V51 |
A great collection of publications for antique farming equipment, carefully organized for easy... |
CA-V36 |
Includes over 325 Nikola Tesla publications, Patents, Articles, Schematics and Plans, Photos,... |
CA-B67 |
Scribner's Magazine was an American periodical published by the publishing house of Charles... |
CA-D10 |
Scribner's Magazine was an American periodical published by the publishing house of Charles... |
CA-D11 |
This lovely 24 volume collection on DVD contains a great collection of The American Annual of... |
CA-E67 |
The Edison Phonograph Monthly was a periodical published between 1903 and 1916 in New York by... |
CA-D05 |
A fantastic collection of classic magazines, first published by the Hartford Steam Boiler... |
CA-E48 |
This lovely 10 volume collection on CD chronicles WWI in pictures, articles, maps, rosters,... |
CA-E63 |
The best collection of wood turning publications ever offered! Also included are 12 hours of... |
CA-V62 |
Boys' Life is the official youth magazine for the Boy Scouts of America. Published since... |
CA-V63 |
The U.S. Army Coast Artillery Corps (CAC) was a corps level organization responsible for coastal... |
CA-B68 |
Over 900 Homesteading Books, Manuals, Guides, Publications, and Project Plans on DVD included ... |
CA-B66 |
Railway Age is an American trade journal for the rail transport industry. It was founded in 1856 in... |
CA-E39 |
The Hammond organ is an electric organ, invented by Laurens Hammond and John M. Hanert and first... |
CA-E41 |
Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower... |
CA-E98 |
The occult (from the Latin word occultus "clandestine, hidden, secret") is... |
CA-F48 |
This monthly publication was created by John Stuart Skinner (1788-1851) devoted to the improvement... |
CA-C99 |
Automobile magazine was published between 1899 and 1902, during the dawn of the Automobile... |
CA-C98 |