Vacuum Tubes Theory & Circuit Design Books: |
Basic Theory and Applications of Electron Tubes, Departments of
the Army and Air Force, 1952, 229 pages |
Cathode-Ray Tube - DuMont - 1956 |
Conductance Curve Design, Dr. Keats A. Pullen, 1958, 127 pages |
Data and Circuits of TV Receiving Valves - Jager 1953 231 pages |
Electric Rectifiers and Valves, Dr, ing. A. Guntherschulze,
1928, 227 pages |
Electron Tube Design RCA, 1962, 951 pages |
Electron Tubes Volume 1, RCA, 1935-41, 483 pages |
Electron Tubes Volume 2, RCA, 1942-48, 462 pages |
Electronic Circuits and Tubes - Cruft Labs at Harvard - Chaffee, 1947, 1017 pages |
Electronics and Electron Tubes E. D. McArthur, 1936, 180 pages |
Electron-Tube Circuits , Samuel Seely, 1950, 540 pages |
FTR Handbook of Tube Operation, Federal Telephone and Radio
Corporation, 1944, 68 pages |
Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes, Robert B. Tomer, 1960, 164
pages |
Graphical Constructions for Vacuum Tube Vircuits, Albert Preisman, 1943,
245 pages |
Grondslagen van de Radiobuizentechniek, Philips'
Gloeilampenfabrieken te Einhioven, 1943 (Dutch) |
How to Use Meters, John F. Rider, 1960 |
Handbook of Piezoelectric Crystals, John P. Buchanan, 1956, 701
pages |
Inside the Vacuum Tube John F. Rider, 1945, 424 pages |
Know Your Oscilloscope, Paul C. Smith, 1958 |
Materials and Techniques for Electron Tubes Wlater H. Kohl, 1960,
657 pages |
Materials Technology for Electron Tubes Wlater H. Kohl, 1951,
505 pages |
Mercury Arc Power Rectifiers , Othmar Marti and Harold Winograd
, 1930, 478 pages |
Mercury Arc Rectifiers Practice Frederick Charles Orchard, 1936,
255 pages |
Oscilloscope Techniques, Alfred Haas, 1958 |
Philips Electronic Valves Book II, 1949, 420 pages |
Philips Electronic Valves Book III, 1949, 223 pages |
Philips Electronic Valves Book IIIa, 1952, 498 pages |
Philips Electronic Valves Book IIIc, 1953, 231 pages |
Philips Electronic Valves Book VII, 1951, 296 pages |
Philips Electronic Valves Book IX, 1959, 205 pages |
Philips Electronic Valves Book XI, 1956, 72 pages |
Philips Electronic Valves Book XII, 1956, 53 pages |
Philips Talks On Electricity 1955, 237 pages |
Physics and Applications of Secondary Electron Emission, Dr. H.
Bruining, 1954, 103 pages |
Principes of Electron Tubes Herbert J. Reich, 1941, 414 pages |
Principes of Mercury Arc Rectifiers and their circuits, 1927,
236 pages |
Probes, Bruno Zucconi, 1955 |
Radio and TV Test Instruments, Hugo Gernsback, 1953 |
Radio Receiving and Television Tubes , James Moyer, 1936, 645
pages |
Radiotron Designer's Handbook RCA 3th Edition , P. Langford
Smith, 1941, 357 pages |
Radiotron Designer's Handbook RCA 4th Edition, P. Langford
Smith, 1953, 1538 pages |
Storage Tubes and their Basic Principles, M. Knoll and B. Kazan,
1952, 153 pages |
The Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope, Charles Sicuranza, 1938, |
The Cathode Ray Tube at Work - John Rider, 1943, 346 pages |
The Oxide-Coated Cathode Vol. 1 G. Herrmann & S. Wagener 1951,
155 pages |
The Oxide-Coated Cathode Vol. 2 G. Herrmann & S. Wagener 1951,
322 pages |
The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and its Applications H.J Van Der Bijl,
1920, 407 pages |
Theory and Applications of Electron Tubes Herbert J. Reich 2th
edition 1944, 736 pages |
Theory of Thermionic Vacuum Tube Vircuits Leo James Peters 1927,
263 pages |
Theory of Thermionic Vacuum Tube E. Leon Chaffee 1933, 688 pages |
Troubleshooting with the Oscilloscope, Robert G. Middleton.,
1962 |
Vacuum Tube Design RCA 1940, 267 pages |
Vacuum Tubes Karl R. Spangenberg, 1948, 877 pages |
Vacuum Tubes Rectifiers Alexander Schure, 1958, 77 pages |
Vacuum-tube Oscillators William A. Edson, 1953, 488 pages |
Vacuum-tube Voltmeters 2th Edition John F. Rider 1951, 430 pages |
Industrial Electronics Handbook by R.Kretzmann 1964 |
Vacuum Tubes Manufacturers Manuals: |
Amperex Catalog, 1958, 30 pages |
Amperex Catalog, 1959, 35 pages |
Amperex Catalog, 1963, 40 pages |
Amperex Hi-Fi & Audio Tubes Catalog, 1956, 8 pages |
Arcturus Tubes Catalog, 8 pages |
Brimar Valve and Teletube Manual No. 9, 74 pages |
Chatham 6AS7G Datasheet |
Cunningham Radio Tubes Manual C-10 1933, 92 pages |
Cunningham Tubes Brochure, 9 pages |
Cunningham CX300A Brochure, 1926 |
Eimac Power Catalog, 1948 |
Eimac Power Catalog, 1955 |
Eimac Care and Feeding of Power Tetrodes, 1951, 28 pages |
Eimac Power Grid Tubes Quick Ref Catalog, 1975, 112 pages |
Eimac Catalog of Eimac Tubes, 1952, 158 pages |
Eimac Tubes Catalog, 1955, 296 pages |
Eimac Power Grid Tubes Quick Ref Catalog, 1969, 54 pages |
GE Five-Star Tubes High-Reliability Receiving Types Catalog, 20
pages |
GE Glow lamp manual Theory Circuits Ratings 2nd Edition, 1965, 118
pages |
GE Socketless Tube Circuit Techniques, 57 pages |
GE Tubes Essential Characteristics 231 pages |
Marconi Valves The Use Valves The experts Use Catalog, 46 pages |
Mullard Valve Data Book, 1951, 248 pages |
Mullard Data Book, 1965-66 |
Mullard Valves and Electron Tubes Technical Data Manual, 67 pages |
Osram Valve guide and Book of Circuits, 1934, 68 pages |
Osram Valve guide and Book of Circuits, 1938, 72 pages |
Osram Valves manual 1936-1937, 133 pages |
Philips Electron tubes Book T5 Cathode-ray tubes, 1988, 418 pages |
Philips Electron tubes Part 4 June 1972 Receiving Tubes, 564
pages |
Philips Factory Valves Codes List, 16 pages |
Philips Miniwatt comparative pocket book for valves 6th ED. 1939,
94 pages |
Philips Miniwatt comparative pocket book for valves 7th ED. 1942,
94 pages |
Philips Miniwatt Technical Data 7th Ed., 1962, 407 pages |
Philips Miniwatt Vacuum-Tube Catalog, 1938, 16 pages |
Philips Transmitting valves catalog, 1945, 6 pages |
Rauland Visitron Phototubes Catalog no. 546, 17 pages |
Raytheon 1937 Radio Receiving Tubes Databook, 195 pages |
Raytheon 1938 Handbook of Amateur Tube Uses, 72 pages |
Raytheon 1939 Amateur Tubes caracteristics, 2 pages |
Raytheon 1940 Characteristic Data Chart, 28 pages |
Raytheon 1957 Radio and Television Recieving Tube Data, 54 pages |
Raytheon Special purpose tubes caracteristics catalog, 19 pages |
RCA Beam Power Tubes O.H. Schade 1938, 48 pages |
RCA Cunningham Radiotron Chart 1935, 1 page |
RCA De Forest amateur tubes manual, 1934, 92 pages |
RCA Electron Tube Design, 1962 |
RCA Guide for Transmitting Tubes, 1942, 76 pages |
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol1-2 |
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol3-4 |
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol5-6 |
RCA HB-3 Tube Handbook 1955 Vol7-8 |
RCA Industrial Receiving-Type Tubes 1969 24 pages |
RCA Interchangeability Directory Fec 1962 |
RCA New All-Metal Radio Tubes manual 1935 32 pages |
RCA Nuvistor Tubes for Industrial and Military applications 1963
16 pages |
RCA Nuvistor Tubes Industrial and Military 1967 28 pages |
RCA Nuvistor Tubes reference guide 4 pages |
RCA Phototubes and Photocells technical manual PT-60 Oct 1963
197 pages |
RCA Phototubes manual 1941, 16 pages |
RCA R-10 Tube Manual 1932, 116 pages |
RCA RC-11 Tube Manual 1933, 164 pages |
RCA RC-12 Tube Manual 1934, 164 pages |
RCA RC-13 Tube Manual 1937, 196 pages |
RCA RC-14 Tube Manual 1940, 257 pages |
RCA RC-15 Tube Manual 1948, 260 pages |
RCA RC-16 Tube Manual 1951, 324 pages |
RCA RC-17 Tube Manual 1954, 324 pages |
RCA RC-18 Tube Manual 1956, 356 pages |
RCA RC-19 Tube Manual 1959, 388 pages |
RCA RC-20 Tube Manual 1960, 436 pages |
RCA RC-21 Tube Manual 1961, 484 pages |
RCA RC-22 Tube Manual 1963, 548 pages |
RCA RC-23 Tube Manual 1964, 612 pages |
RCA RC-24 Tube Manual 1965, 580 pages |
RCA RC-25 Tube Manual 1966, 612 pages |
RCA RC-26 Tube Manual 1968, 657 pages |
RCA RC-27 Tube Manual 1970, 676 pages |
RCA RC-28 Tube Manual 1971, 788 pages |
RCA RC-29 Tube Manual 1973, 756 pages |
RCA RC-30 Tube Manual 1975, 762 pages |
RCA Receiving type tubes for Industrial and Communications Types
Manual, 1960, 32 pages |
RCA Reference Book, 1956, 53 pages |
RCA Special Red Tubes, 1948, 8 pages |
RCA TT-3 Air-Cooled Transmitting Tube Manual, 1938, 194 pages |
RCA TT-4 Transmitting Tube Manual, 1956, 260 pages |
RCA Vacuum Tube Design, 1940, 267 pages |
STC Standard Valves manual, 1947, 329 pages |
Sylvania Characteristics of Receiving Tubes, 19-- 64 pages |
Sylvania Characteristics of Receiving Tubes, 1958, 60 pages |
Sylvania Characteristics of Receiving Tubes, 1964, 72 pages |
Sylvania Characteristics of Transmitting Tubes, 1954, 12 pages |
Sylvania Industrial Tubes Manual, 1958, 32 pages |
Sylvania Radio Tubes Characteristics, 1945, 20 pages |
Sylvania Technical Manual, 1951, 364 pages |
Sylvania Spiral accelerator tubes |
Sylvania Technical manual, 1955, 712 pages |
Sylvania Technical manual, 1970, 628 pages |
Sylvania Tube Substitution Manual, 1953, 42 pages |
Taylor Catalog and Manual, 1940, 52 pages |
Taylor Tubes catalog and handbook, 34 pages |
Tung-Sol Electronic Tubes Technical Data, 1948, 1028 pages |
United Electronic Power Tubes, 1945, 148 pages |
Victoreen Tubes catalog, 26 pages |
Western Electric Electron Tubes manual, 16 pages |
Western Electric Vacuum Tube Data 101D to 300B, 1941, 212 pages |
Western Electric Vacuum Tube Data 300A- 300B, 7 pages |
Western Electric Vacuum Tube Data 301A to 373A, 1963, 188 pages |
Westinghouse Electronic Tube Easy Guide, 1947 |
Additional Engineering and History Books: |
25 Years of British Broadcasting, 1947, 52 pages |
A Decade of Radio Advertising, by Herman Hettinger, 1933, 365
pages |
ABC of Radio, 1922, by W Kaempffert, 66 pages |
Armed Forces Radio and Television Broadcast Guide 1961, 225
pages |
Allocation Standards for TV FM, 1948, 235 pages |
Big Business & Radio Book, 1939, by Gleason Archer, 554 pages |
Broadcast Advertising, by Frank Arnold, 1931, 295 pages |
Broadcasters Handbook, 2nd Edition, 1941, by Harold Ennes, 449
pages |
Broadcasting Its New Day, 1925, by Samuel Rothafel, 344 pages |
Broadcasting Sid Hix Cartoons, 120 pages |
Cathode Ray Tube at Work, 1935, by John Rider, 348 pages |
CBS What The New Radio Rules Mean, 1941, 36 pages |
A New High Efficiency Power Amplifier for Modulated Waves, by WH
Dherty, RCA, 25 pages |
Educations Own Stations, 1937, by S.E. Frost, 498 pages |
FCC Blue Book 1946, 61 pages |
FCC Operator Study Guide 1955, 280 pages |
First Quarter Century American Radio Book, by E. Shurick, by
1946, 384 pages |
Frequency Modulation, by A. Hund, 1942, 382 pages |
GE FM Primer 1941, 27 pages |
History of Radio to 1926, by Gleasn Archer, 469 pages |
Hoop of Hooperatings, 156 pages |
+ lots more radio history titles.......... |